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"Hunger makes a thief of any man."
~ Pearl S. Buck



A brown haired little girl was currently running through the streets of the Underground city.

But quickly, her run came to an end as she bumped into someone rather harshly, knocking them both to the ground.

Charlotte jumped up immediately, showing the man an apologetic expression.

"I'm so sorry, Sir! Let me help you!" She shouted in concern, leaning down and trying to help the man stand up.

"Leave it, brat! Just go away before I change my mind..." He rudely answered, standing up and pushing her to the side roughly, before starting to walk away.

"I'm really sorry, Sir!.....you pig." She muttered the last part, walking over to some other man that was standing a little distance away.

"Did you see that, Aniki?" Charlotte asked excitedly.

"Of course I did." Levi's plain voice answered.

"I got it!" She shouted with a smile, pulling out a wallet from her pocket and showing it to Levi.

She started calling him Aniki a while ago. He told her to stop, but she did what she wanted anyways.

"Lets see..." She said excitedly, opening the wallet to see what's inside. "....Only....only a few coins." Her expression fell.

Levi's mouth twitched. "Well, they're your coins now." He answered, starting to walk into the direction of his house.

"Man! What a waste of time! I scraped my knees for this!" Charlotte whined, stomping after the older man.

"Clean yourself before you come inside." Levi answered, starting to walk up the stairs and inside the house.

The two of them knew each other for half a year now. Levi showed Charlotte how to handle a knife, and how to punch and kick.

At first she was terrible, but she has improved. And Levi had to admit that she was pretty good for her age.

Charlotte also started stealing wallets from people who looked like they had money. It was like a game to her.

But sometimes she would get caught, and then she had to either run or fight. She chose run more often than not.

Charlotte stood still, not walking up the stairs as she had a thoughtful expression on her face. She looked at the coins in her hand, a smirk forming on her face. She turned around and walked away.

Charlotte went to a place she didn't often visit, but she has been there quite a few times with Levi.

The market.

•̲E̲̲y̲̲e̲̲s̲ ̲o̲̲f̲ a̲ ̲k̲̲i̲̲l̲̲l̲̲e̲̲r̲ • •̲J̲̲e̲a̲̲n̲ K̲.•Where stories live. Discover now