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"Maybe, to do what you and I do, we have to have a little bit of the monster in us."
~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes






The headquarters of the survey corps were bigger than Charlie expected.

They were inside wall Rose, and Charlie couldn't stop admiring the big trees and the sky around them as her and Erwin were riding towards the building.

After she and Erwin went to the surface, they travelled back to the headquarters by horse. Charlie of course, has never been on a horse, therefore she didn't know how to ride.

So that lead to Erwin riding on the horse with Charlie holding on to his back, sitting behind him.

Everytime the horse moved a little uneven, causing them to move a bit on top of it, Charlie's hold on Erwin's jacket tightened.

"Are you scared of riding?" Erwin asked, looking straight forward on their path.

"Fuck off."

And that was the last time they spoke until they finally got to the headquarter's stalls, where Erwin left his horse.

Charlie jumped from the horse's back before Erwin could even fully halt. She held her stomach tightly, still trying to seem unbothered.

Erwin brought his horse inside and came back out to Charlie. He just walked past her, not saying anything.

Charlie fixed her posture and with a light groan and a roll of her eyes, she followed him inside. All the while Charline was carring a sack with all her belongings, which wasn't much.

Erwin brought her to a floor, quickly opening a door and gesturing inside. "Leave your stuff here, we're going to go meet the Commander." He said.






"Full name?"

"Ackerman...Charlie." She chose to say. The name 'Charlotte the blinder' was a known name in the Underground, so that needn't be the same on the surface.



The man opposite her halted his writing on the paper at her statement. His eyes wandered over to Erwin who was standing behind Charlie. He seemed to glare at him for a moment.

•̲E̲̲y̲̲e̲̲s̲ ̲o̲̲f̲ a̲ ̲k̲̲i̲̲l̲̲l̲̲e̲̲r̲ • •̲J̲̲e̲a̲̲n̲ K̲.•Where stories live. Discover now