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~ 9 ~

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~ 9 ~

"Talent is nothing without dedication and discipline, and dedication and discipline is a talent in itself."
~ Luke Campbell






The mess hall was a place full of talking and laughing. The people from the survey corps were sitting around eating and chatting with their friends.

The four newbies were also sitting together. Paul still didn't like Charlie one bit, but he came to terms with her.

They just never talked, making it easy to not pick a fight...most times.

Molly and Charlie got along well, considering that they shared a room. It was a simple little room with two beds and one wardrobe, but it was enough.

Molly sighed, wordlessly pushing the rest of her food over to Charlie, who has long finished eating.

She thanked her absentmindedly, ignoring George, who was babbling about something, annoying Paul to no end.

Charlie was busy drilling her eyes into Levi. Since the day she got here, he hasn't even looked her direction, and it pissed her off.

Every time she tried to approach him, he would walk the other way or vanish all of a sudden.

But right now, he was eating, sitting alone with a tea in front of him. He wouldn't abandon his tea-time, ever.

After eating Molly's food—which didn't take long— she stood up without a word, making the heads of her friends turn to her as she walked across the room.

Levi was completely focused on his food, not hearing the silent steps of Charlie. She sat opposite of him, not making a sound.

He still didn't move his head to face her.
"Ahem!" Charlie cleared her throat.

Finally, Levi took his eyes away from his food and looked up into the two coloured eyes of the younger girl. His face showed no emotion, making Charlie swallow lightly.

"What?" He asked.

And just like that, Charlie didn't know what to say anymore, her mouth opened, but she needed a few seconds to actually bring a sound to come out.

"...I would like to talk." She said, her voice still coming out strong.

Levi showed no reaction. "About?"

Charlie squinted her eyes, was he serious? "About us, you and me."

Levi suddenly stood up, taking his plate and now empty cup. "Make an appointment, cadet." And with that, he left.

•̲E̲̲y̲̲e̲̲s̲ ̲o̲̲f̲ a̲ ̲k̲̲i̲̲l̲̲l̲̲e̲̲r̲ • •̲J̲̲e̲a̲̲n̲ K̲.•Where stories live. Discover now