- ten days -

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"And what if—what are you if the people who are supposed to love you can leave you like you're nothing?"
~ Elizabeth Scott






10 days left.

Four months were over.

Four months since Charlie joined the survey corps.

Four months since Levi acted like they never knew each other.

Four months since Charlie's heart cracked every time they walked past each other without saying a word.

And lastly, four months since Charlie, George, Molly, and Paul met.

They became friends. If Charlie had to choose, she would say George was the one she was closest with, sneaking out at night and just talking on the rooftop.

It was fun, and they had someone to rant to about anything. And to be honest, Petra was glad that her brother had made friends, she was worried he was too weird.

Second would be Molly. In the beginning, Charlie thought she was just a shy, friendly, blonde girl—which she was—but she was also very skilled, and smart.

Molly grew on Charlie, she reminded her of Isabelle, which brought her both joy and sadness.

And lastly there was Paul. He was grumpy, prejudiced, and didn't seem to like Charlie. And what was very clear for Charlie and George to see, he was totally in love with Molly.

George and Charlie made fun of him for that, because the blonde girl seemed so oblivious to the fact.

Paul didn't think it was funny.

It wasn't as bad as at the start, but Paul still threw Charlie judgemental glances now and then. And if they ever talked, he only said one or two word sentences.

"Hey Paul, how are you today? Wanna be my training partner?" Charlie asked calmly while walking up to him.

"Hello. Good. No." And with that, he walked away.

9 days left.

Paul and Charlie had kitchen duty, cleaning the kitchen duty, to be more specific.

The two of them were standing on opposite ends of the kitchen, Charlie sweeping the table while Paul cleaned plates.

Charlie glanced up at the brown haired boy. "...We'll be in the same squad. Lilly's squad." Charlie stated.

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