- cut off -

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~ 18 ~

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~ 18 ~

"I touch the future. I teach."
~ Christa McAuliffe







"Today you'll be introduced to the Three-Dimensional-Maneuver-Gear for the first time!" Charlie called to all the trainees standing around her on the field.

Lots of big curious eyes watched as she pulled out a pair of silver swords. She gripped them the way they should be handled. "This is how you hold them!"

The trainees did as she showed them. Charlie walked over to a titan dummy's head. They preferred to let them cut some necks on the ground first, before they sliced them in the air.

She easily cut through the dummy's neck the perfect amount. "Just like that. Not deeper, not higher, understood?!"

"Yes ma'am!" All of them shouted in unison.

I could get used to that.

"Very well....and refrain from cutting off your own limbs or the one's of your companions, because I will certainly not be the one cleaning up that mess....Alright begin!"

They all began to practice how to slice the titan's necks. Charlie walked around the training feeld just like Shadis, looking over the trainees activities.

Armin was struggling to get it right, he switched the fake neck of the titan and tried again. Failing.

"....You think your gentle cuts will even tickle any titan?" A voice startled him from behind.

"Ah!" He jumped a little, sighing out when he spotted Charlie standing behind him.

His blue eyes turned towards his failed attempt again. "I-I don't seem to have enough strength." He whispered.

Charlie stepped beside him. "Bullshit. You're not holding your swords right." She gripped his arm, startling Armin a bit with the contact.

"Tense up your arms." He quickly did. "Tighten your grip." She instructed, and he also did.

"Now use your arm's strength, not your hand's, and cut." Charlie said, gesturing to the dummy.

Armin tried again, and really, he got it right. No he got it perfect. "Wow, Arlert, that's perfect, keep it up."

Charlie patted his shoulder, walking away. Armin's eyes began to shine. "Thank you!"

The girl only smiled, walking to the next struggling trainee. Charlie took a short glance at Mikasa who was already perfecting her technique like she did this her whole life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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