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It was a rainy day cool day in mid-Marched , Nathaniel drove in silence as rain splattered down on his windshield. The longer he drove the rain receded. He pulled into the parking lot carefully going over the safety hump on the road. He pulled up, parking in his usual spot he cut the engine. As he was getting out he watched as an old orange rusted Ford truck pull in. Nathaniel cringed, why anyone would want to drive around in a hunker like that was beyond him.

Glancing away he made his way up the steps to head into the school building. Ignoring the stares he was already getting Nathaniel made his way to first period English with Mr. Mason.
The bell chimed initiating the start of first period. On the chalkboard were a bases of questions for yesterday's book discussion. Opening his notebook he dutifully copied them in his notebook. The majority of the class was filled saved the seat at the front of his row where he sat in the very back.

Mr. Mason began talking about last nights read on chapter 7 of 'Of Mice and Men.' Having already read the book Nathaniel paid no mind to the teacher as his focus settled on the parking lot more particularly on the orange truck that stick out like a sore thumb. His focus went back to the class as the door opened ten minutes after class already began.

Nathaniel once cold felt as if a fire lit in his body spreading in his veins as his eyes calculated the newcomer to the classroom. His whole body stiffened as he took in the pure sweet scent which was wafting from the girl with the seemingly dull eyes. He felt venom salivating in his mouth. His hands gripped down on his legs forcing himself to remain put.


That's the color that remained in his vision as he watched her with a predatory stare. Luckily for him no one noticed the Cullens seemingly changed behavior. Words were coming out of the teachers mouth but was falling deaf to his ears as he tuned into the blood rushing through the humans veins. There was going to be bloodshed. He could see it now. One by one Nathaniel envisioned ripping through the entirety of the classroom and finally the girl who caused such a reaction from him.

He wasn't okay.

He felt himself start to shake as the girl finally sat down his eyes never leaving the back of her head. He was so hungry.

"Mr. Mason please sent Nathaniel Cullen to the front office for a moment.

What would've been his saving grace might be his undoing. He gave no indication to move as Mr. Mason was writing a hall pass. A knock on the door revealed Edward after it was opened. His gold colored eyes locked with Nathaniels before throwing a quick glance at the new girl. Edward threw him a quick subtle nod before Nathaniel made any movements. He stood up draping his bag over his shoulder, in long strides he walked up the aisle his face and body tensing as he grew closer his eyes flickering to the back of her neck. He was so close he can almost taste her. But before anything could happen he was already facing Edward with a pained expression as he left the classroom. Once the door was closed Edward was pushing Nathaniel forward.

"Carlisle already made a call you can go home." Nathaniel didn't respond his focus to driven on the escalating heart beat he left behind. He stopped dead in his tracks but Edward clamped his hand on his shoulder.

"No Nathaniel." Despite his reluctance Edward urged his brother forward already listening in to his brothers racing thoughts. He pushed them out when the emotion they carried affected Edward.

Nathaniel was out of the school building before he knew it. The cool air hitting his already cold exterior made no difference to him but he felt a bit better once in the fresh air. He took a sharp inhale as different scents filled his nostrils but none of the human before.

Nathaniel didn't bother taking his car as he disappeared from the parking lot. Edward was going to follow him but a voice stopped him.

"Wait." Turning around Jasper stood there with Alice linked at the hip.

"He needs space."

"He almost lashed out at the classroom." Edward stated.

"But he didn't." Jaspers voice was calm too calm. "He'll come around he just needs space." Edwards jawed ticked. He knew Jasper was right but didn't want to admit it. So he dropped it and went back into the school.


Nathaniel at the last moment changed his mind he wasn't going to the Cullen house but further North to the Denali's. "Cousins" to the Cullens he knew he would be "welcomed." It was better than facing the family after his little almost incident. He didn't want to risk it. The air grew cooler which made Nathaniel move faster if possible, his prints eventually hitting soft then hard snow. It took Nathaniel until nightfall to reach the Denali coven in Alaska. Before greeting any of them he went on a little hunt prior, the thought of blood never leaving him the entire journey.

"Nathaniel?" He just finished with an elk he caught when he looked up.

After sedating his appetite and seeing such a friendly face he couldn't help but grin.

"Katrina." The woman cringed slightly at the use of her old name but felt herself smiling despite of it.

"What the hell are you doing in Alaska?" His face slightly faltered. He forced a sigh, wiping the blood that dribbled down his mouth.

"I almost lost control. I needed to get out of there." Kate's face dropped face twisting to a look of sympathy.

"Well you can stay as long as you like." She stated with a smile.

"Thanks Kat."



Wolf in Sheep's Clothing >>> B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now