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Thank you guys for your patience I've been busy busy between work and trying to take some time for myself. I've been stressed and overwhelmed and I'm trying to find a balance between everything going on lately while trying to take care of my mental health.

Bella couldn't fall asleep that night. Every time she closed her eyes she thought of Nathaniel roughing up those guys in Port Angeles. She felt he could've done a lot worse if Edward was there. She remembered the almost feral look on his face and remembered how his mood drastically changed once they were at the restaurant but she could tell even then he was on edge.

After another hour of failed sleep Bella got up to sit at her desk. Turning her lamp on she started flipping through the book she got earlier that night. And slowly but surely the pieces started falling into place.


Bella arrived to school early in hopes to meet the Cullens before everyone else arrived. To her dismay everyone had the same idea that morning. Sighing in frustration she pulled up in her usual parking spot. As she got out of her truck her mind was racing with different scenarios, she knew ultimately that she could potentially be crazy. However that side of her that could potentially be right was riding strong.

Walking into English sooner than anyone else made Bella's anxiety flare. She started doubting herself. Was Nathaniel really a vampire? Were the other Cullens as well? They had to be.

About 5 minutes later the first bell went off. Slowly but surely the class began to fill leaving Nathaniel the last one in, Emmett being the only one missing. Their eyes connected and a small smirk formed on Nathaniel's pale lips. She felt herself faintly blush remembering the one-sided dinner they shared together. Even though it felt a bit tense due to the circumstances that led them there Bella still felt at ease with him. It was strange but she was no stranger to it, not having many friends growing up she always felt like the odd man out trying to fit in but never really doing.

Nathaniel sat on the opposite side of the class but that didn't stop him from glancing her way. He looked calm and collected on the outside but was raging on the inside.

"This is all your fault!"  Rosalie snapped. Her amber eyes glaring daggers into Nathaniel.

"This isn't my fault! How was I to know she would figure this shit out overnight?" Nathaniel was angry and was on the verge of breaking something whether it was a precious vase of Esme's or Rosalies neck.

"Both of you need to calm down." Carlisle came between the two separating them both. "We will not be leaving Forks.

Rosalie pulled away from him looking enraged.

"The human will know about us by tomorrow and we're just supposed to sit back and let it happen?"


"Don't Rose me Emmett! Now's not the time!" She glanced at Emmett before going right back to Nathaniel.

"This is you're fault! If she finds out what we are she'll see you for who you really are!"

"And what's that Rosalina?"

"A monster!"

"The last time I checked we're all fucking monsters Rose!" He raged before making an advance but was intercepted by Edward who just arrived back home.

"What's going on?" Edward struggled against Nathaniel for a moment before going into his head watching what he missed. He turned to his family.

"We don't know how this will affect us. But I do know none of us would risk our cover." He looked to Nathaniel who calmed down but was still tense, he didn't meet Edwards eyes as he stared at the opposing window.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing >>> B. Swanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें