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Edward decided to stay the rest of the week in Alaska much to Nathaniels dismay.

'Immortal cockblocker' he thought

Edward scolded him causing Nathaniel to laugh, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's true." Was all he said.


Back in Forks gossip was buzzing about the missing Cullen twins which surprised her. She didn't know Edward was a twin. He was in her biology for a week before he disappeared like Nathaniel who has yet to return. She wondered if Nathaniel looked exactly like Edward. Edward was cute but boys weren't exactly on her mind having just moved there two weeks ago. Over the weekend Billy and Jacob Black came over to watch the football game. Bella would sit and watch with them even though she never was really into sports, she didn't understand what was going on majority of the time.

When Bella returned on Monday she noticed the Cullens standing around their cars. She saw Edward who was talking to someone she didn't recognize. That must've been Nathaniel considering the Cullens weren't known to talk outside their circle. Closing her truck door she got situated before walking towards school.

"Bella!" Angela was waving the girl over as she stood with Eric, Mike, Jessica, Tyler and Lauren. Bella awkwardly smiled at them before coming over.

On the other side of the parking lot the Cullens were huddled close together talking amongst themselves. It was Nathaniel's first day back at Forks high, in order to make sure all goes smoothly Esme called the school and got Emmett transferred to Nathaniel's English class, the only class he shared with Bella aside from lunch. Nathaniels senses were in overdrive the moment he heard the hunk of junk pull down the road. When she got out of her truck he expected his sense of smell to flare but thankfully he didn't smell her right away with the waves of other humans amongst them. He felt a sense of calm over him which he knew was from Jaspers influence which he was silently grateful for.

"Emmett you'll stick with Nathaniel until second period, all of us will be within ear shot in the halls if anything happens." Edward explained.

Nathaniel watched Rosalie roll her eyes, face twisted in disgust. He glared at her causing Edward to look at him. He placed his hand on his shoulder so they were seeing eye to eye.

"It's just a precaution, we can't take any chances." Nathaniel shrugged him off.

"Let's get this over with." He brushed by his siblings taking lead into the school. He can hear Rosalie scoff.

"Maybe he shouldn't be here at all if he poses such a threat." She quietly hissed. Nathaniel was instantly glowering down at her causing people around them to look on anxiously.

"Maybe you should shut your mouth and put it to better use." Emmett pushed Nathaniel away from his wife looking at him with a hardened expression.

"Let's get to class." Emmett pushed him forward just as Nathaniel smelled it.


Nathaniel sped up, pushing through the front doors beelining it to class. Emmett was close behind as they entered the room making way to the back, Nathaniel in the corner and Emmett besides him. The class filled quickly leaving only one seat open which was the one in front of him. His copper eyes scanned the room and to his dismay the only one unaccounted for was,

She quickly rushed in as the bell rang looking around and falling on the empty seat in front of him. Nathaniel held his breath not risking it. If he smelled her scent, the blood rushing in her veins, he wouldn't be able to control himself.

This wasn't him anymore.

He had to keep reminding himself that. He couldn't give in. Deep down Nathaniel didn't want to disappoint his family again. He didn't want to prove Rosalie right by losing control. Maybe he should've stayed with Kate.

Bella was now sat in front of him, his eyes burning holes in the back of her head. His mind wandered, he wondered what would happen if he killed her.

She would be dead for starters which was the obvious. A father would be losing a daughter, a mother a child. That girl had family and friends. Deeper down that didn't matter to Nathaniel, the pull to the human was strong. For a moment he was going to release the breath he's been holding but knew that would be a stupid idea.

It was just one period then it was over.

The time passed slowly for a good portion he sat there with his head down, the teacher didn't bother him since he was a straight A+ student. Nathaniel could feel Emmett's eyes on him every few minutes. Right on cue Nathaniel was up and bolting for door as the bell rang.

Bella jolted surprised by the brush of cold on her shoulder. She watched for a moment confused. Why was he in such a rush to leave and why was Emmett Cullen suddenly in her English class when he was a senior?




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