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"The tracker he just changed course."

"Where will it take him Alice?"

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors." Bella was walking out brushing her damp hair. She watched as Jasper gave Alice a piece of paper and a pencil. She began sketching on the paper. Jasper glanced at Bella before bringing attention to his mate as she gazed on in a trance.

"Nathaniel said her visions weren't always certain." Bella chewed on her bottom lip nervously. She felt her heart rate elevate ever so slightly to make her twitch.

"She see's the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes." Jasper explained as he watched Alice draw out an arch which Bella recognized.

"Okay, so the course the tracker is on is leading him to a ballet studio?" Alice froze as her eyes snapped onto Bella. Her gaze intense, Bella looked away.

"You've been here?"

"I mean I took lessons as a kid. The school I went to had an arch just like that."

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" She nodded.

"Yeah." Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She whipped it out anxiously and alarmed.


"Hey, are you okay?" Was the first thing she asked. She's been going crazy thinking about what was going on.

"We've lost the tracker." Her breath left her after hearing that. Alice's vision. "The woman's still in the area but Esme and Rosalie went back to Forks to look after your father." She felt a little relieved about that. She would feel awful if anything happened to Charlie because of her.

"So what's going to happen now?"

"We're coming your way, we'll meet you half way. Then I'll take you somewhere safe from all of this. I'm sorry Isabella." The use of her full name made her heart skip a beat. "I'll fix this, I promise."


Bella was swiftly packing her suitcase as Jasper and Alice went downstairs to check out. By that point the sun was starting to set bringing on the night. This made Bella worried with the tracker on the loose. She knows the odds of him getting to her were slim with it being 2 vs 1. However that nagging feeling of something bad happening still bothered her.

Her phone went off again in her pocket.


She answered it relieved to hear from her mother.

"Hey Mom, I'm glad you got my message. What are you doing home?"

"Bella? Bella? Bella where are you?"

"Calm down, I'm fine." Her mother was still frantically saying her name. "I'll explain everything later." There was suddenly a muffled sound coming through the line. "Mom? Are you there?"

"Forks High School doesn't protect it's students privacy very well. It was only too easy for Victoria to find your previous address. It's a cute house you got here." His voice was nonchalant and was almost teasing. This terrified her. The realization that her mother was in danger.

"I was prepared to wait for you, until your Mom came home a very worrying call from your dad. It all worked out quite perfectly."

"Wait! Wait!" She heard her mom in the background, and she was starting to panic.

"Don't touch her! Don't you touch her!" This could not be happening, she pinched herself in hopes of waking up but failed.

"You can still save her. But you're gonna have to get away from your friends. Can you handle that?"

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing >>> B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now