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I'm so so sorry for the delay, things have been hectic for me the last few months and I was in the hospital at some point but I'm backish. I'm doing my best to work up the motivation to finish this story so bare with me, so many ideas for different stories and just little to no motivation.
Also 4 chapters left!!!!
Bella was a little nervous as she watched the scenery pass by from the passenger window. Her hand was enveloped by Nathaniel's. He brought it up to his lips and placed a cool peck on the back of her hand.

"It's not too late for me to turn around, we can go back to your place since your dads at work." He winked her way. She bit back a smile as she couldn't help but look at their entwined hands.

"No I'm okay. I'm looking forward to meeting your family...officially." He glanced at her with a grin on his face.

"It'll go great. Just remember what I said about Rosalie." Bella nodded in understanding.

"I'm not worried about it."

"Good." He kissed her hand again giving it a reassuring squeeze. He could feel her blood pulsating through her veins and the thrumming of her heart tempting his deepest desires.

It's been difficult to say the least. A part of him felt himself reeling back into her enticing scent. He was hoping being around Jasper won't set him off but aid him in keeping in control. Reminding him what it felt like. The smallest droplet of doubt will have Rosalie haling over him which he did not want. Rosalie already promised to kill him if he hurt Bella.

It's was kind of ironic how much Rosalie seemed to hate Bella and yet was protective of her at the same time. Though he should be more understanding given Rosalie's background which he was aware about, he just wasn't. And soon enough Nathaniel was pulling up closer to the house, as he veered off onto a dirt road. It's large exterior windows reflecting that of the trees and forest surrounding it.


"Wait until you see the inside." Nathaniel got out of the car and made his way to the passengers side to open the door for her. Muttering a 'thanks' Bella got out and looked at the home in front of her. It's large structure and large open windows were nearly intimidating.

As they ascended the stairs Nathaniel can overhear the fuss his adopted mother was making over making food for Bella. It was endearing of her to do this, his senses overfilled when he smelt the food being made and the comments Rosalie would make. He wasn't surprised Rosalie decided to stick around to put her opinion in. She loved to do that in Nathaniel's opinion.

"Here comes the human." Her voice quipped, instantly agitating Nathaniel's nerves.

"Bella I believe you remember my adopted has been sister Rosalie." A sardonic smile graced his lips as the blonde vampire glared daggers at him. If looks could kill he would be 6 feet under.

"Be nice to your sister. We decided this would be an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle explained as Esme moved around the counter to greet them.

"Bella this is my mother Esme for all intents and purposes."



"I believe you remember Carlisle." He smiled politely giving a small nod her way. "And I believe you know Emmett and Edward from school." Emmett grinned as he waved at her with the steak knife in hand. Edward walked over to greet them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Bella." He held his hand out which she took and shook. She shivered slightly at the cool contact. She couldn't help but gawk at their beauty. They all looked like perfect marble statues with golden bronze colored eyes. She felt weary as she felt Rosalie's gaze on her.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing >>> B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now