My Deskmate

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Taehyung's POV

My deskmate's name is Jeon Jungkook. He is an extremely hateful person. Why do I hate him? This is because grandpa promised me that if I become the top scorer in class, he will bring me to Disneyland. I want to go to Disneyland! But I am not the class's top scorer. Jungkook is the one who is. The teacher praised Jungkook at the parent-teacher conference. Daddy told me to take a good look at Jungkook and then look at myself. I wish that teacher would not praise Jungkook. This is because he is too hateful.


Taehyung saw that the feedback his essay received was a string of ellipsis. He did not understand what Teacher Jin wanted to express.

Anyway, he had already clearly expressed what he wanted to.

Teacher Jin summoned him to the office during the break-in between lessons and started telling him about certain principles. The general gist was that one should hold fraternal love for one's schoolmate, self-reflect more to understand the cause of their troubles in studies, look forward to becoming the class's top scorer as long as an effort is placed... etc.

Taehyung nodded his tiny head. This action had a tempo akin to pounding garlic and looked exceptionally charming.

Teacher Jin then praised Taehyung. "This time, your essay did not have any wrongly written characters or misused words. The punctuation usage was all correct as well. You did well in this aspect. Keep it up."

Taehyung was very happy. "Thanks, teacher. Teacher, I had Jungkook edit the essay for me. I will ask him to edit it again the next time!"

"Cough... That's not what I meant." Teacher Jin felt slightly speechless. "Taehyung, look, Jungkook only wrote about your good points in his essay and said that he liked having a deskmate like you."

Taehyung's tiny brain was filled with glee. "Would he dare to badmouth me?!"

Teacher Jin helplessly held her forehead. She quietly pondered to what extent had Jungkook that poor child been bullied too...

She could only repeat her earlier words and once again try to educate Taehyung on the principles of life.

After Teacher Jin's lecture, Taehyung returned to class to see his good deskmate being surrounded by a few people.

Jungkook always obtained full marks on his exams without exception no matter how major or minor the exam was. When coupled with his good looks, this made the teachers like him very much. The students in class all followed this trend. After lessons, there was always someone coming up to speak with Taehyung. This guy was almost becoming a mini-celebrity.

"Jungkook, help me to sharpen a pencil." Taehyung started commanding him before even being seated.

Jungkook replied with a faint "oh" and took out a mechanical sharpener to sharpen a pencil for his.

Might as well. Jungkook sharpened two pencils for himself.

While he was rummaging through his pencil case, Taehyung's sharp eyes spotted a pack of stickers in it. He asked despite already knowing the answer, "What are those?"


"Rubbish, I know those are stickers. What kind of stickers?"

"Happy Star stickers."

Taehyung beckoned him with his finger. "Lemme see."

Jungkook pretended he heard nothing and continued sharpening the pencils. Pencil shavings emerged from the mechanical sharpener with every turn. The layer of shavings on the table was akin to the dried leaves covering the ground in autumn. He carefully gathered them into a pile.

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