Stirring trouble (1)

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Taehyung expressionlessly looked at the three seated fellows. "Sorry for intruding, goodbye." He turned and left immediately after saying this.

Shortly after leaving, he came back again. With a thunderous look on his face, Taehyung yanked Eunwoo up from his seat. "I see you're tired of living!" As he spoke, he continued yanking him along to an unknown destination for punishment.

Eunwoo felt extremely wronged at being targeted despite not doing anything to provoke anyone. As if his life depended on it, he hurriedly explained, "It's not me it's not me it's not me!"

Nayeon was full of guilt and quickly left her seat to rush after them. "It's me it's me it's me!"

Jungkook looked at the three leaving figures' back view and suddenly felt some sympathy for Taehyung. The caliber of the friends that he was hanging out with, tsk...

In an unexpectedly good mood, his lunch tasted even better than usual.


Jungkook had training at night that ended before 9 pm. He showered, took his bag, and headed straight to the library to study.

Taehyung was of course also inevitably summoned to wait on him.

Taehyung did not believe that Jungkook was there to study. Over the phone, he unabashedly exposed him, "Jungkook, you're too good at stirring trouble. Take a good look at the time. Right now when others are heading back from the study lounge, do you want to start studying? You just want to take a photo and upload it onto WeChat for everyone to see, don't you. Don't bother denying, I know what you're thinking."

"I'm waiting."


Taehyung was so riled by him that he was at a loss for words.

He had originally planned to grab supper with Eunwoo and Nayeon. Now, he had no choice but to head towards the library.

There was a surprisingly large number of students still in the library. It seemed that RCU students were all rather studious.

Taehyung found Jungkook in the study lounge on the second floor. That rascal was studying. He was concentrated on his books and did not appear to have sensed Taehyung's arrival. Some distance away, Taehyung stopped to take a photo of him before editing these words into the picture: This person looks like a dog.

Jungkook raised his head and found Taehyung standing there.

Taehyung plonked himself down in the seat opposite to Jungkook and crooked a finger at him. "Here, let's add each other on WeChat."

After adding, he sent him the freshly edited photo.

Jungkook did not get mad at all. He moved his fingers to delete the photo and lowered his head to continue reading his book.

It was as if Taehyung provoked a piece of cotton. Taehyung momentarily felt that this was very pointless. He turned, pulled out a random biography from the bookshelf, and began casually flipping through. The biography was on a princess from the Tang dynasty. It was exceedingly exaggerated and the author seemed to be highly motivated in inserting a sex scene now and then. These scenes were very exciting and just when Taehyung was reading one of these exciting scenes, a light grey thermos flask was pushed in front of him.

He lifted his eyes off the pages of the book and looked at the thermos flask.

Jungkook's deep and provocative voice rang out from the seat opposite him. "Refill this with water."

"Jungkook." Taehyung tossed the book onto the table and shoot him a dirty look. "Do you also need me to hold you up when you go to the washroom?"

"Don't be crude."

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