See how it goes

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Taehyung had just stepped out of the dormitory building when he spotted Yukhei standing outside.

The sky was overcast today. Even though he looked quite good standing there quietly all by his lonesome self, he appeared a little forlorn.

Taehyung called out, "Yukhei, why are you here?" As he said this, he suddenly recalled the scandalous nonsense that he had just seen. He prayed that Yukhei had not seen it.

When Yukhei saw Taehyung, he immediately turned and left.

Taehyung quickly followed him. "What's wrong? What are you keeping silent?"

Yukhei picked up his pace.

Taehyung felt that he must have found out about that incident. In this time and age, gossip spread even faster than viruses could reproduce.

He hurried after him and tried to tease him into speaking. "Hmm, could it be that the pill Nayeon gave me is working? I've become transparent?"

Yukhei kept a stoic expression and refused to look at him.

Taehyung reached out and grabbed Yukhei's wrist. "Hey."

He finally stopped and turned to glance at Taehyung. His gaze traveled down and landed on his hands.

Yukhei's mouth twitched. He stared blankly at the pair of fair and fine-looking hands on his wrist, feeling immensely upset all of a sudden.

"Doing this," he shook his wrist, his soft eyes slightly confrontational as he asked, "Aren't you afraid that Jungkook would see?"

"I knew you misunderstood," Taehyung explained, "Nothing is going on between Jungkook and me."

If he had said this previously, Yukhei would have believed him without hesitation. However, it was different now. Only heaven knew how his heart crumbled when he saw those ambiguous photos.

"Liar," he replied. His voice was a little aggrieved and accusatory.

"It's true, he just wanted to take a look at the scar on my head. If you don't believe me, see for yourself. Here." Taehyung lowered his head and parted his hair for Yukhei to see. Taehyung paused for a while before straightening back up. Yukhei looked at him steadily, his eyes clearly showing his disbelief.

"Wait, I'll call Jungkook and get him to explain personally." Taehyung took out his phone, dialed Jungkook's number, and tapped on the "speaker" icon.

When the call connected, the first thing that Jungkook said was "what do you want to eat tonight?"

Taehyung was annoyed with how carefree he was. He scolded, "Jungkook, you still have the mood to eat? I've been ruined by you!"


"Someone took photos of us earlier at the sports field. The rumors are really bad now and the whole school is mistaken about us. It's all your fault for wanting to look at the scar on my head." The last sentence was the main point. Right after saying this, he sneaked a look at Yukhei.

Yukhei perked his ears as he waited for Jungkook's reply.

On the other side, Jungkook felt that something was off as he held his phone and processed what Taehyung just said. It felt like his manner of speech was slightly different from how it was usually like when the two of them were alone. His words were also a little measured and long-winded. Was Jungkook mistaken?

Jungkook did not affirm nor deny Taehyung's words. He retorted, "You're the one who pounced on me first."

Yukhei's face fell even further.

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