A Flower

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Taehyung finally tasted what he had been eyeing for so long— Jungkook's jelly-like lips.

Soft, firm, and beyond delicious. This was even better than what he had imagined.

Taehyung's heart pounded manically. He had the sensation that the world was covered in fireworks and the happiness was making him dizzy. His brain seemed to lack oxygen and he did not know where to put his hands and feet. He tightly shut his eyes, his head raised while he froze on the spot.

Jungkook was in a roughly similar condition. His mind was blank and he was so nervous that he forgot to breathe. The world ceased to exist except for the vivid sensation on his lips. Soft and satiny like fresh flower petals, they exuded a light fragrance.

They stood together stiffly like this as if time was frozen. After a long while, Jungkook finally found his breath. He breathed while moving his lips, lightly massaging Taehyung's soft, petal lips. When he moved his head, his nose followed along and bumped into Kim's nose.

The two of them had relatively high nose bridges and were both inexperienced at this as well.

When his nose was knocked, Taehyung instinctively drew his head and lips away.

The kiss ended just like this. Jungkook was disappointed and stuck out his tongue to lick his lips, clearly unsatisfied.

Taehyung opened his eyes just in time to see Jungkook's pink tongue. Soft, moist, and agile, it somehow looked extremely sinister to him.

Kim looked away and pulled his hand back.

Under the rays of the setting sun, Taehyung's face was burning red, showing a deeper crimson than the sunset.

How can he be so adorable!

Jungkook felt like his heart was stuffed with fluffy and sweet cotton candy. He raised his hand intending to stroke Taehyung's cheek.

Just as Jungkook's fingers were about to touch his skin, Jeon's phone suddenly rang.

He was forced to pull out his phone and when he looked at the caller ID, it was his mother.

Jungkook picked up the phone.

The moment the call connected, wild laughter came out from the other end.


Jungkook, "......"

For a split second, he suspected that his mother had lost her phone and it had been picked up by a lunatic.

"Kook," After laughing enough, Mrs. Jeon finally began speaking normally. "I heard that you're in a relationship?"


"Oh, ~~~" Mrs. Jeon purposed dragged out her words before laughing again. "Well, is it convenient to tell mommy the name of that boy?"

Jungkook pinched his forehead and replied reluctantly, "Don't you already know?"


Mm, there she went again.

Jungkook said, "Mom, you seem to be very well-informed."

"Jungkook-ah, do you know that I'm in three of your fan groups?"

Actually, out of these three groups, Mrs. Jeon had been kicked out of two after saying that she was Jungkook's mother. She later picked up the jargon of fandoms and no longer revealed that she was Jungkook's mother, only saying that she was a mama fan, thus managing to blend in till now. As her typing speed was no match for the young fans, she usually did not type anything and purely lurked.

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