Second parent

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Yukhei previously promised to treat Taehyung. Hence, he gave him a call. Taehyung tricked Jungkook into going to the Sky Yard before heading to a seafood restaurant on the food street with Yukhei to eat lobsters and oysters.

When ordering the dishes, he ordered a can of cola. Yukhei could not drink carbonated drinks and stick with soy milk.

Yukhei sat across him and watched his gestures.

His head was slightly tilted to the side. His soft, dewy eyes were bright and held a quiet focus. This expression was like that of a puppy that had yet to be weaned—brimming with watchful curiosity about the entire world.

Taehyung was tickled. He lightly waved the can of cola in his hand and asked, "Don't tell me you haven't tried it before?"

Yukhei shook his head.

"Not even once?"


It was as if he saw an alien. Taehyung looked at him with an incredulous look on his face.

His expression was too exaggerated. Being stared at by him like this, Yukhei self-consciously pursed his lips and explained, "I'm not allowed to drink these."

"I know. I used to be an athlete previously. The coach forbade me from drinking these as well. But I'll still sneak a few sips occasionally." As Taehyung said this, he was about to gulp a mouthful of the cola. However, seeing how Yukhei was staring at him wistfully, he stopped and asked with a smile, "Hey, do you want to give this a try?"

Yukhei shook his head.

"Just to taste. Taking only one sip would be fine." Taehyung grabbed a glass and poured in around two, three centimeters worth of cola before passing it over.

Taehyung giggled as he looked at him. Yukhei felt a little wavered.

After a slight hesitation, he gripped the glass and took a sip.

It was a very strange taste. A tiny bit like medicine but way more refreshing and delicious. When he drank, the bubbles had yet to finish fizzing. The cool liquid met the warmth of his mouth and once again started fizzing vigorously. It felt like numerous tiny stars were dancing in his mouth.

After the tiny stars stopped dancing, Yukhei swallowed the cola and licked his lips. Feeling a little unsatisfied, he held up the glass and wanted to take another swallow.

Taehyung quickly snatched it away. "Hey, hey, one sip is enough. What if you get addicted? I don't want to lead children astray."

"I'm not a child."

"Okay, okay, okay, you're not a child. You're a precious baby."


Completely disregarding Yukhei's expression of shock, Taehyung took the glass back. Seeing how there was still some cola inside, he felt that it was a waste to throw it away. Thus, he resourcefully poured the remaining cola back into his can.

The process was not easy and Taehyung spilled a little as he did so.

Upon seeing what he had done, Yukhei felt his cheeks heat up inexplicably.

The minced garlic lobsters and grilled oysters were served. The two of them chatted as they ate.

Yukhei asked Taehyung, "You said that you were an athlete. What sport did you play?"

"Speed skating."

Yukhei did not ask him why he stopped. An athlete's journey was arduous and he had seen way too many who had given up halfway.

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