The perils of Jianghu

191 11 4

Taehyung was in a deep sleep. Ever since he resumed training, his sleep quality had been excellent.

He only woke when Jungkook woke him up to eat.

Taehyung removed his eye mask and saw an extravagant-looking lunchbox placed on the mini table in front of him. There was braised beef with potatoes, stir-fried shrimps, and assorted vegetables.

He rubbed his stomach and found himself starving.

Jungkook passed him a vacuum-packed package. When Taehyung examined it, he saw that it was a braised pig trotter.

"Thanks." Taehyung tore the packaging and took a bite. The taste was good and he luxuriated in the satisfying sensation of his empty stomach being filled with food. In a good mood, he saw that Jungkook also had a lunchbox in front of him but no pig trotter. Taehyung then asked, "Why aren't you eating too?"

"I ate earlier." Jungkook turned his head and avoided looking at Kim's as he said this.

Taehyung could only see his attractive jawline and the slightly raised corners of his lips from the side.

Taehyung was baffled. What a lunatic. Was it necessary to show such a depraved smile at eating a pig trotter?

"Jungkook, you rarely indulge in good food, do you?" Taehyung asked. He felt that this was highly possible. After all, all athletes—especially outstanding ones—had strict diet requirements.

"No," Jungkook denied.

Taehyung was still immersed in his speculation. "When we get back, I'll treat you to all the good stuff—beef tendons, pig ears, fried anchovies... duck necks, duck feet, duck tongues..." He familiarly rattled off a long list of food that he felt were delicacies.

Jungkook interrupted him, "Duck tongues?"

"Yup. You've never tried?"


"Yes, I'll treat you to it."

Jungkook lowered his head and separated the chopsticks. "Sure." His reply was unhurried and loaded with meaning.

Taehyung could not shake off the feeling that there was something wrong with him.

However, it was rare for Jungkook to be normal in the first place. Being abnormal was his default mode. After thinking things through, he felt more at ease.


Their train was scheduled to arrive around 1 pm. Today, the person fetching Taehyung was Eunwoo.

Principal Kim's ex-classmate had fallen ill. He was out of the province to visit him and would only be back the next day. The hospital that Mrs. Kim worked at was extremely busy. The end of the year was when children's asthma outbreaks peaked. In addition, there would be many unruly children stirring trouble. From secretly setting off firecrackers to breaking windows and provoking stray dogs, there were way too many bizarre reasons for a child's injuries.

That was why only Eunwoo was there to welcome Taehyung.

There was no need for Eunwoo to come. However, he was bored out of his mind at home. Having nothing better to do, he was thus out to find his boss and have some fun.

Jungkook and Taehyung were two extremely attractive people that stood out from the crowd. Eunwoo spotted them the moment they stepped out of the station.

"Boss, over here!" Eunwoo waved his hands at Taehyung.

After the three of them gathered, Taehyung was going to part ways with Jungkook. Kim asked, "How are you heading back?"

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