Idol pays the price

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Taehyung marched on with a darkened expression. He was mad. He was not mad that he was being scolded—anyway, those scolding him were devils that he should not care about. Instead, he was mad at how those people were doing so while fantasizing about Jungkook's official girlfriend. Goddammit!

Jungkook trailed beside him and soothed them in a gentle voice. "Don't be angry. It's my fault. I'll post a declaration and ask them to stop harassing you."

Taehyung was in no mood to talk, especially with Jungkook this calamitous 'beauty'. His steps became faster and faster and Jungkook did not know what to do. Suddenly, Jungkook strode to his front and carried him up in one motion.

Taehyung was abruptly lifted into the air. He yelped, "Hey!"

Jungkook had one arm behind his legs and the other arm across his back. He lifted Taehyung at least 30 cm off the ground.

It's the crazy 'carrying-your-son' posture again! So what if you're tall, you shameless scoundrel! Taehyung rolled his eyes. "What are you doing? Put me down."

Jungkook raised his head and looked at him. "Don't be angry. You can whack my dog's head." As he spoke, he obediently lowered his head and presented his dog head.

What a refreshingly unique way of coaxing...

Taehyung swung his legs. "You, you, you... let me down first."

"Only if you're not angry anymore."


Taehyung struggled in his arms like a crab. After lowering his head, Jungkook's line of sight was at Kim's chest. Today, Taehyung wore a blue, white and grey striped shirt. After squirming in his arms, Taehyung's button had popped open without notice and Jungkook unexpectedly saw the lively view under the shirt.

He felt his body burn hot and his heart pound like thunder. He was having difficulties breathing.

Thus, he closed his eyes and put Taehyung down.

After Taehyung's feet touched the ground, he saw that Jungkook's face was slightly slanted to the side while his gaze seemed to dodge him. Most importantly...

"Jungkook, why is your nose bleeding?"

"Nothing." Jungkook calmly dug through his bag for tissues and said, "Button up your shirt first."

Taehyung looked down, gave an awkward cough, and hurriedly buttoned his shirt. When he was done, he could feel his face burning slightly. Somewhat guiltily, he asked, "Why is your nose bleeding?"

Jungkook wiped his nose and looked at Taehyung meaningfully. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Shut up, you."

Jungkook gave a stifled laugh. Taehyung was strangely heated by his laughter. He turned with his hands clasped behind his back and prepared to leave.

Jungkook grabbed his wrist and called him softly. "Taehyung."

Taehyung turned his head and looked at Jungkook out of the corner of his eye. "Yes, Nosebleed Emperor?"

"Don't be angry, I'll do anything you want."

Taehyung looked down and thought for a moment before lifting his eyes and beaming at Jungkook. "Anything I want?"

An ominous feeling surged in Jungkook's heart.


Jungkook first went to the washroom to clean up before following Taehyung to the small garden at the old agricultural science building. It was relatively isolated there.

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