A spectacle

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Taehyung received the shock of his life from Jungkook and was genuinely well behaved for two days. On the third day, he even unprecedentedly gave him the shell of the Kinder Joy he made him buy for him as a show of his altruism towards him.

Jungkook: "......"

Wow, truly, he was so touched.

Yet another few days passed and Jungkook's face had more or less healed. In the end, he did not end up with a pockmarked face. It was just that on the right of his nose bridge, there was now an additional teeny tiny light brown mole. The mole was somewhat close to his right eye. If his eye was the moon, then this mole would be a tiny star gazing into and accompanying this moon.

Gosh, it looked pretty good actually.

Taehyung used his finger to lightly touch the mole and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

The fingertips of a boy were tender and soft. Unaccustomed to this, Jungkook shifted his head away and did not say anything.

"Jungkook, let's playhouse!"

"I don't——"

Jungkook was not even able to complete his words of rejection before he was dragged away by Taehyung.

Lately, a show called War and Beauty had been broadcasting on television. Taehyung gathered a bunch of people. He was in charge of playing the emperor while everyone else was the concubines. As for Jungkook, he was the most favored concubine in the entire harem.

Taehyung hooked an arm onto Jungkook's shoulder. The rest of the children surrounded them and loudly addressed him as "Your Majesty". Taehyung nodded with relish, his bearing and expression giving off the aura of a fatuous emperor.

He patted Jungkook's shoulder. "Beloved concubine, say something. You're going to fall out of favor if you remain silent."

Jungkook expressed a pained and valiant look as if he was prepared to die at any moment.

These two people were on completely different frequencies. One was re-enacting a palace drama while the other was re-enacting a war film.

Taehyung scratched his head and wondered what he should do next. He tilted his head to look at his beloved concubine Jungkook... Oh ho ho, got it!

Without warning, he leaned over and smacked his lips on the cheeks of this beloved concubine.

Jungkook turned blue in the face.

There was someone else who also went blue in the face.

Principal Kim originally planned to sit in and observe the next lesson of Taehyung's class. There were still two minutes before the lesson and he was standing outside of the classroom with a few other teachers, just in time to see Taehyung seizing Jungkook's shoulder like a wicked little tyrant and even planting a kiss on him.

The second year of primary school! And already acting like a rogue!

In front of so many teachers too!

How was he going to maintain his dignity as the school principal!

Exhale—— exhale——

Principal Kim was so angry that he started breathing heavily. With his enraged breathing and flared nostrils, the atmosphere turned oddly comedic.


Seeing how the situation was not looking good, Taehyung had long disappeared back into the classroom.

He meekly stayed at his seat for the entire lesson, unquestionably well-behaved and not daring to twitch a single muscle.

Principal Kim was of course not going to let him off so easily.

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