Mysterious boy

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Inah had been busy lately. She did not have time to browse her son's fan groups or go online. Hence, she did not know about the storm brewing over the internet. When she heard Jungkook's summary, her lips immediately curled into a contemptuous smile. "Bullying my son and my son-in-law, eh? Do they think I'm dead? Internet violence, is it? I'll show them what real violence is!"

Jungkook's brows ticked. "It's illegal to beat someone up..."

"Don't worry, I'm staying within the laws."

The next day, when Inah arrived at her company, she picked out a few people from her pool of secretaries and briefly explained the situation. Then, she rapped the table. "I want this bunch of scoundrels to apologize to my son-in-law."

"What about your son?"

"As for my son," Inah thought for a moment, "Give a call to the ice hockey team. Let them know that his mother, I, am willing to hire a team of lawyers to sue every single person who is spreading those baseless rumors. I want to sue them to the point of bankruptcy, let them know the price of speculating maliciously, and educate them on the law."

Hearing this, the secretaries wiped their sweat. "Noted, we will do so immediately."

The two secretaries split the work. One got in touch with the ice hockey team while the other contacted a group of private hackers who, within a day, managed to dox the ten over netizens who attacked Taehyung online. With how developed the internet was, people were leaving more and more traces of themselves online. With both the open and encrypted information available, it was easy for people to expose their actual identities.

After receiving the details of these people, the secretary got in touch with his gruff-sounding brother-in-law and menaced them one by one through personal calls.

Originally, those people were still high on the thrill of blasting others online when they suddenly received a call informing them of their actual identities. You're from X province and stay in X district. You worked in X company and studied in X school. I'm about to bring my machete over and have some 'fun' with you...

That was way too fricking scary!

Those people felt like they had been targeted by some mysterious force. They were scared out of their wits and admitted their wrong immediately.

Usually, the more vicious and rampant a person was online, the more spineless they were in reality.

Every single one of them hated that they couldn't kneel over the phone and show the 'boss' at the other end how acquiescent they were.


Before going to bed, Taehyung plugged in his earpieces and had a call with Jungkook. The two of them chattered on mindlessly and Jungkook told a new joke that he heard to Taehyung. Taehyung was so tickled that his belly ached. However, he pretended to be puzzled with a straight face. "How is this funny? Jungkook, why are you so easily amused?"

Jungkook started to second-guess himself. "Ah?"

Unable to hold it in any longer, Taehyung hit his pillow and chortled, "Haha, why are you so silly?"

Jungkook merely chuckled without saying a word. His low laughter lingered gently in Taehyung's ears, causing his face to heat up as he laughed.

After a while, Jungkook asked him, "Did you go on Weibo today?"

"Why would I? There are so many freaks there."

"Log in and take a look."

"I refuse!"

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