Contrary to expectation

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The next day, Taehyung remembered the mission of winning a medal that Coach Jung gave him. When he went to search for the results of last year's National University Championship, his young teenage heart got a huge shock.

This was a national competition where numerous top professional athletes would represent their affiliated universities. As a result, the level of competition was greatly raised.

Though Taehyung had the habit of boosting, he was clear of his capability. Based on his current performance, he would have difficulties entering the finals alone, not to mention obtaining a medal.


Jungkook tried comforting him after seeing how nervous he was. "There's still time." As he spoke, he used his finger to prod Taehyung's cheek. Soft, smooth, and bouncy, the face of a Kim Taehyung was nice to touch.

Taehyung ducked his head to escape Jungkook. "Shoo!"

Jungkook's lips curved.

Looking at Jungkook, Taehyung thought, why can't you confess to me already? Hurry up and confess!

Truth to be told, Jungkook was in a bit of a dilemma.

—He did not know whether he should confess or apologize first.


Just like this, the two of them maintained a delicate balance. Neither of them advanced nor retreated.

The Korean Ice Hockey Championship ended a few days later. The RCU ice hockey team placed fifth in the country. This was a pretty good result beyond the expectations of the club and the school. Right after the competition ended, some local companies contacted the school to sound out the cost of product sponsorships.

What made the club and the school even more delighted was Jungkook's appeal. The tickets for competitions in which he appeared always sold very well. Sensing a business opportunity here, some online merchants began selling unofficial merchandise such as the same jersey that Jungkook wore and "Jungkook teenage pink" tapes. In the end, their sales were quite good.

All these showed his commercial value.

The club held several meetings with the school to discuss how to manage Jungkook. After their meetings, they consulted Jungkook and expressed that they would respect his opinion.

Jungkook only had one opinion.

"I don't wish to interact closely with the fans and hope to maintain some distance from them."


"Because... someone will get jealous."


After the competition, the ice hockey team organized a spring outing to a holiday villa. As they were allowed to bring their family, Jungkook asked Taehyung if he wanted to go.

Taehyung was exhausted by his recent training and his mind was tightly strung like a bow. He agreed gladly to the rare opportunity to relax.

There were numerous interesting activities at the villa such as fishing, picking fruits, barbequing, and singing.

Baskets in hand, Jungkook, and Taehyung went to pick strawberries. As the strawberry season was almost over, people were not as interested in picking them. There were only two of them in the polytunnel. Taehyung ate as he picked along and his basket ultimately remained empty. After a while, he went over to Jungkook and commanded, "Jungkook, close your eyes."

Jungkook closed his eyes. Not knowing what Taehyung was going to do, his heartbeat quickened and he pressed his lips together nervously.

Taehyung stuffed an enormous strawberry into his mouth.

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