Chapter 4

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It's been three days and the whole Paw Patrol was on the lookout, even the twins wanted to come on vacation.

Ryder: Okay, are we all?

Ryder counted all the puppies and other people to make sure they are all there.

Ryder: Yes, we are all. We can go. Gets on the PAW Patroller.

All the puppies, Katie, Ryder, and Captain Turbot got in and got ready to leave.

Cap. Turbot: Ryder where will we go now?

Ryder: We go to Adventure City airport and take a plane. I've already bought the tickets, business class.

Tuck: Good.

Liberty: I've never traveled by plane before, so it will be a first for me.

Zuma: Ryder, how are we going to communicate with people? We don't know Italian.

Ryder: Italian is not easy to learn but not too difficult either. You will make the ear. Also Cap. Turbot knows a little bit of Italian.

Tracker: Cap. Turbot do you really know Italian?

Cap. Turbot: Yeah but like Ryder said, I don't know it too well.

Rocky: Ryder have you already made an itinerary? Just to know what to visit.

Ryder: Yes Rocky. 

Ryder: We will land in Rome and then we will visit Rome, then we will go to Naples and visit the city and the nearest cities, Then we will go to Reggio Calabria and go to Sicily. From there we will pass through Catania, Agrigento and Palermo. Then we will go to Bari, Perugia, Florence, Siena, Pisa, 5 Terre Natural Park, Sanremo, Turin, Milan, Bologna, Venice and finally we will go to Cagliari and return to Adventure Bay

Skye: Ryder are you sure we'll make it to all these places?

Chase: And what will we move with?

Rubble: And the money for it?

Ryder: Calm pups, we will not dwell much on some cities, in some we will spend a few hours to see the main attractions. We're going to be traveling in a big camper similar to the PAW Patroller, and I've brought a lot of money so don't worry.

Katie: Are you sure Ryder?

Ryder: Yes Katie, We have the whole summer ahead, so we think about having fun.

The PAW Patroller traveled for a couple of hours before arriving in Adventure City. During the trip the puppies talked about what they could do in the cities they had to visit, but they also wanted to go to the beach.

Tracker wanted to know more about Cap. Turbot cousin and then start asking him questions.

Tracker: So, Cap. Turboy you have a Italian cousin, but why then her to two cousins ​​of different nationalities?

Cap. Turbot: In the distant 1800s of my Italian relatives left for the new world that is America, to create a new life, but a part of the relatives wanted to go to Northern France, they did not want to go to a new continent, for them it was too dangerous and for them in the United States there are not enough survivors, so they split up. 

Everest: A sad story.

Cap. Turbot: Yes but, in the mid-1800s some French relatives also reached the United States and now Francois who studied in France lives in Adventure Bay, while my French relatives live in France. The hatred among my relatives seems to be over, in fact now they meet in Nice every year to celebrate. Besides Francois there are my sister, my grandmother and my niece who are of French descent but have lost their French root.

PAW Patrol: Holidays in Italy {Paused}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang