Chapter 7

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It was morning, the sun was starting to rise, the birds were chirping, and people were starting to have breakfast.

I was waking up, my eyes were getting used to the morning light. I felt something next to me, I turned my head and saw Skye sleeping peacefully.
I like everything about her, her laughter, her eyes, her soft ears, her sweet and caring demeanor.

Looking at her face I remembered how she ended up sleeping with me.

It was late at night, Marshall and I were sleeping, at one point I heard a knock on the door.
I got up slowly so as not to wake Marshall and went to open it, I found myself in front of Skye who was shaking.
 I asked them what had happened and he told me he had been having a terrible nightmare.

"Calm down Skye, now it's alright. You only had a nightmare, what happens in nightmares is not real" Chase said softly trying to comfort Skye.

The Cockapoo pup raised its head, the shepherd's faces and his were inches apart. "Thanks Chase" Said Skye looking at the amber eyes of the German Shepherd. Even if it was dark she could see them. After a while the Cockapoo puppy falls sound asleep. 

"Do you like it, do not you?" Marshall said, who had just woken up.

Chase immediately blushed, he knew Marshall was aware of his crush on Skye, so he didn't hide his embarrassment. "Yes, I like it, but please don't talk about it, if she wakes up she'll find out"

Marshall understood and nodded to Chase. 
Marshall's belly rumbled making Chase laugh. "Chase shut up, you'll wake Skye" 

Chase paused but smiled at Marshall's hungry. "Woah Marshall, i've never felt your belly grumble so much" Chase said in amazement. "I'm very hungry, it will be good food" 

"Let's go to eat?" Asked Marshall hungry.

"You go, I wake Skye and I'll join you" replied Chase.

"Okay, see you later" Marshall got out of bed and left the room quietly.

I looked back at Skye, and thought about how to wake her up. 
"S-Skye, it's time to wake up" Chase said gently.

Skye started to wake up, but he didn't want to get up yet, he liked being in bed with Chase.
"Good morning Chase" Said Skye.

"I'm glad you woke up" Said Chase. "Do you want to go for breakfast now?" 

"Okay Chase, let's go" Skye said happily. He had slept very well with his crush. He couldn't wait to tell Everest.

Chase helped Skye out of bed and the two lovers walked into the dining room of their hotel.

"Good morning Chase and Skye" Said Everest happy to see them walk together.

"Good morning Everest" Chase and Skye said at the same time

Everest bring Chase and Skye at Marshall table. Chase sat down next to Marshall and the females sat in front of their respective crushes.

"Marshall have you already ordered breakfast?" Asked Everest.

"Yes Everest" Replied Marshall.

"What are we going to do today?" Asked Skye.

"I don't know we'll have to ask Ryder" Replied Skye.

"It was great to see all the historical parts of this city, even the museums" Said Everest thinking back to those moments.

"There will still be plenty to see in other cities, so what's the rush" Said Marshall at Everest.

"You're right Marshall, let's enjoy the holidays" Everest said with joy.

The four continued to talk as the rest of the PAW Patrol began to wake up and make their way to the restaurant area.

In a short time all the puppies, Ryder, Katie and Cap'n Turbot finished eating and prepared to leave the hotel. 
The pups took their bags and gathered at the hotel entrance.

"Are you ready puppies?" Said Ryder putting on sunglasses and a linen hat.

"Yes Ryder" All pups said.

"Ok let's go"

The team went to a place on the outskirts of Rome, this place was an abandoned parking lot where Ryder had had a new PAW Patroller delivered, modified for travel.

All the pups were surprised by the new PAW Patroller. "It's beautiful Ryder" Said Rocky intrigued how he built it. "This new PAW Patroller serve also for missions?" Asked Zuma.
"Unfortunately no Zuma, but in case of emergencies we have the equipment and your experience in the field" 

The puppies got into the new PAW Patroller, it was very large, had shelves to store suitcases, a dog treats device. Also in the 'main room' of the PAW Patroller there were comfortable seats for everyone.

All the puppies got on the PAW Patroller and sat down ready to go. Ryder and Katie went to the driver's seats and Cap'n Turbot sat down next to Tracker. 

"Well, let's go" Ryder was anxious because he had never driven on European roads or even on highways. He thought the worst, he knew the risks of the road well.

"Are you ok Ryder?" Asked Katie. She had noticed that she was anxious and trembled at times.

"Y-yes Katie, i'm okay" Said Ryder trying to behave normally so as not to bring out one of his greatest fears.

Katie realized he was lying, he didn't like seeing Ryder like that. "Ryder you are not well, you are shaking with fear. What's wrong? A me you can tell"

Ryder lowered his head, Katie's question putting him at a disadvantage. 
"Sorry Ryder it wasn't my intention to hurt you" Katie turned to the finer so as not to see Ryder's reaction.

"No, it's not your fault. You don't know the reason for my behavior, so don't feel guilty" 

"Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" Katie said sadly.

Ryder turned to Katie and gave him a smile. "No Katie, it's ok" Katie felt unhurt, she thought he would be a good boy for her.

"You want help to drive? I can give you advice and warn you of the dangers" 

"Okay Katie, thanks" Said Ryder whit a smile.

Ryder and Katie teamed up to get the PAW Patroller out of the chaos of Rome.
Once on the freeway, with some difficulties at the toll booth, Ryder was safer than his driving.

"I can't wait to see Vesuvius" Said Ella.

"Anything you want to visit for me and it will be fine" Said Zuma. She realized what she had said too late, luckily Ella returned only with a lick. Her plan to return her love to him had yet to begin.

To be continued

|By -The Empereor-|

PAW Patrol: Holidays in Italy {Paused}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα