Chapter 10

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I was walking, I was sweating with fear. I don't like volcanoes, the ones near Adventure Bay aren't as big as this one.

As I walked I saw Marshall tremble, I had never seen him so tense, and as if he was afraid of something.

"Marshall, are you all right?" I asked worried about him.

I felt that Chase was asking me something but I didn't pay much attention to it, then he asked me again.

"Y-yes, im fine." I told Chase trying to hide my fear and my trembling.

I wasn't sure if Marshall was okay, it was clear he was afraid of something.

"Marshall, what's wrong with you? You can tell me." I said trying to get him to say what was bothering him.

"Nevermind Chase, I'm fine..." Marshall said starting to sweat. Sweat drops forming on his face.

I realized that Marshall did not want to say what he was afraid of and so I burned myself. After a few minutes of walking we entered the path that led to the top of the volcano.

"This volcano is giant, I have heard it hasn't erupted in nearly 80 years." Rocky said looking at a map.

Marshall looked at the volcano and swallowed.
 While Rocky was talking about the volcano Marshall was shaking more and more and it was there that I realized that he was really afraid of the volcano.

"Marshall, you don't have to be afraid of the volcano, you heard Rocky hasn't erupted in eighty years." Said Chase approaching the Dalmatian.

"But what if it erupted?"

"Marshalls don't suddenly erupt, there are signs before that happens, earthquakes for example." This made the Dalmatian calm down, but not quite.

As the cubs walked they could see tall vegetation around them such as trees, as they progressed the vegetation decreased in number and height becoming low-stemmed vegetation such as bushes or simple grass.

Halfway through the PAW Patrol stopped to rest, all the pups sat down trying to catch their breath and energy.

Cap'n Turbot with his camera took pictures of the landscape and the pups having fun.

"The view from here is fabulous." Ryder he said before wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"You're right Ryder. There is a nice view over Naples and its gulf." Cap'n Turbot said before taking another photo.

Meanwhile the puppies listening to the history of Vesuvius. The puppies formed a circle around Katie with particularly close.

This volcano is said to have originated as an underwater volcano and came to the surface after thousands of years.

When the ancient Romans can here they believed that Vesuvius/Vesuvio was a mountain. But in 79 BC the volcano erupted at night, no one expected it and the cities of Pompeii/Pompei and Herculaneum/Ercolano were destroyed with almost all the people who lived submerged in ash and lava.

"It must have been horrible for those people to die buried in ashes." Rubble said making everyone think.

"What happened after?" Everest asked.

"The Roman emperor who ruled at that time sent help but it didn't help much. After the eruption of 79 BC which is the most famous there were 40 other much less powerful eruptions." 

"What was the most recent eruption like?" Marshall asked stammering.

"The last eruption occurred in 1944 and was popularized by US troops there, reporting the news in US newspapers." 

PAW Patrol: Holidays in Italy {Paused}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα