Chapter 12

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A few days have passed since the visit to Vesuvius and the PAW Patrol was on their way to one of the last stops in Naples.

I was sitting in a comfortable seat and enjoying the feeling of the wind flowing through my fur.
There is a slight breeze of fresh air mixed with the summer heat. An ideal climate for a vacation, I closed my eyes and thought of Skye.

"Hey Chase." Ryder he said sitting down next to the German Shepherd. "Hey Ryder." I replied. There was a few seconds of silence, we hadn't spoken much since the holiday had begun. It is as if our relationships have been damaged and it saddens me.

"Are you... enjoying your vacation?"Ryder asked nervously.

"Yes... Ryder. I'm having fun..." I said always looking into the void so as not to have eye contact with Ryder.

"Listen Chase. This vacation is taking us away and I'm sorry." I considered what Ryder had told me but didn't move my head.

Ryder sighed and starts to get up but I replied: "I understand Ryder, it's not your fault that you are so busy planning the vacation but I would like you to find time for me and others, even a few minutes."

"I am happy to have a dog like you Chase." Ryder sat down and hugged me. I experienced a feeling of well-being that I hadn't felt in long. I was happy.

"Aww, how cute they are" Ella said looking at the two from a distance.

"I am happy that they have found their connection again." Skye said as she wiped a tear away.

"You are lucky to have a boyfriend like him." Liberty she said smiling, knowing that this made Skye embarrassed.

"H-he's n-not my boyfriend" Skye was trying to hide her blush so as not to reveal her secret.

"You would make a nice couple." Liberty said to play down.

"Hasn't he confessed to you yet?" Ella asked.

"No" Skye said looking at the floor. "He loves you Skye, you just have to give him time. Males are like that." Liberty said.

"Thanks girls." Skye said happily. "But wait, where is Everest?" 

"She's downstairs with Marshall. He have a panic attack, again." Ella replied.

A tutti i passeggeri, siamo arrivati alla vostra destinazione. Vi chiediamo di scendere in ordine e con calma, grazie.

To all passengers, we have arrived at your destination. We ask you to come down in order and calmly, thank you.

Everyone calmly got off the bus and found themselves in front of a small cobbled square with shops on either side of the square.

"Is this Pompeii?" Tracker asked.

"No Tracker, we have to walk to reach the City." Cap'n Turbot said starting to walk.

On the way, the puppies talked about what the city could be like. Instead Marshall spoke to Everest to calm down.

"So... what was your first PAW Patrol mission like?" Everest asked.

"It was scary but beautiful at the same time. At the time, Chase and I had to do all the rescue work." 

"And what did you do on your first mission?" 

"I was sent on a mission to put out a fire in a house..."


"You can do it Marshall. Ryder and I would stay here to support you." Said Chase before going close the zone.

I put on my oxygen mask and my fireproof suit and went inside. 
As soon as i entered, i started looking for the electrical panel. I made my way through the various rooms and found the panel in the kitchen. I turned off the power but it caused something to explode on the first floor.

"Marshall are you okay?" Ryder said via radio.

"Yes, im fine. What was that loud sound?" 

"Something is exploded at first floor. Go to check." 

"Roger Ryder."

I took a breath and ran. I went up the stairs and looked for the site of the explosion.
It didn't take me long to find him because I followed the light which led me to a big hole in the house.

"Marshall i see you-- wait a second..." I didn't understand right away why Ryder cut off the communication, but I noticed a female dog was talking to Chase and Ryder.

"Marshall, you need to find a pup. Its in the house."

"Okay Ryder" 

I wasted no time and started looking. I found the puppy under a bed, he was scared to death.

"Hey little pup, you are safe. Come with me." The puppy does not move and I look at myself with eyes full of fear.

"Do not be afraid... Let's make a deal, as soon as we're out of here I'll buy you an ice cream, okay?" The puppy slowly approached but Marshall eventually grabbed his paw and led it to the gash.

"Marshall, you need to jump on the rescue trampoline." Chase explained at the Dalmatian. Marshall paused for a few seconds and thought.

"Are you ready little pup?" Marshall asked.  The gave a small nod in approval, then, Marshall jumped and landed on top of the diving board.

The cub's mother ran up to me and hugged me. His fur was wet with tears but I didn't care. 
The mother calmed down when the doctors arrived who took the puppy and took him to the hospital for checks.

"Good Job Marshall, this is being a Firefighet pup." Ryder said complimenting.

"I am proud to have such a good brother." Said Chase before to hug me.

End of the Flashback

"It's incredible. Glad you became a fire dog." Everest said blushing.

"Thanks Everest. You are good at your job too."

"Pups, we are arrived at Pompeii." Katie said excited.

To be continued

"Are you the old director?" A voice said.

"Y-yes, please dont hurt me." 

"Do you know what happens to those who get their jobs wrong?" Another voice said.

"No please, i praise you not."

"You are f-"

"Stop" A man said.

"Oh...G-good m-morning Emperor, to what do we o-owe your p-presence?"

|By -TheEmpereor-|

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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