| Ch. 16 |

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(TW: Cursing/Cussing
Btw thank you for 1.63k views! It means a lot to me :) ♡)

"What?" Na-yeon says looking at Nam-ra confused, "I saw..what you did Na-yeon" Nam-ra says looking down at her with a serious face.

"What? What did you see?" Na-yeon asks standing up from her chair, "You did it" Nam-ra says looking at her face to face.

"I didn't do that to Gyeong-su!" Na-yeon yells, "I didn't even mention his name.." Nam-ra says in a serious voice.

I look at Na-yeon then Nam-ra, "While we were all looking at him, you were in the back alone" Nam-ra states clearly.

"You wiped that blood with your handkerchief." Nam-ra says pointing at the wooden stick we used earlier.

"No I didn't," Na-yeon says, "Then that means...You rubbed that on Gyeong-su's wound.." I say standing beside Nam-ra.

"I said I didn't!-" Nam-ra interrupts Na-yeon, "Your handkerchief is in your pocket" Nam-ra says.

I look at Nam-ra and give her a (I-Got-This-Okay?) look. Nam-ra walks away while I turn to Na-yeon.

"What about if my handkerchief was in my pocket?-" I interrupt Na-yeon, "Then take it out!" I yell putting my hand out.

She slaps my hand away. I see Su-Hyeok stand beside me, "It's fine" I whisper to him, "What if she does something to you?" He whispers back.

"Don't worry she won't," I say. I turn and look at Na-yeon, "Should I take it out then?" I say reaching for her pocket.

"Damn it! Who the hell do you think you are?!" Na-yeon says yelling. Instead I slap her on the face.

"Y/n, that's enough! Both you!" Mrs.Park says standing between us, "Y/n do you realize what your saying? If that's true, then that means Na-yeon killed Gyeong-su.." Mrs.Park says.

"You fucking bitch. There you go. Satisfied?" Na-yeon says throwing the handkerchief at me. Su-Hyeok stands in front of me, but I push him aside gently.

"He was fine until you wiped his wound with your handkerchief." I state. I look back at Cheong-san and see tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Plus it's so obvious you would do something like this. You guys hate each other so much, that your capable of doing that to Gyeong-su" I say frustrated.

(I know I'm skipping some lines that Na-yeon said. I hope that's okay with you guys :) )

"Then I'll just die too. That's what you guys want isn't it?" Na-yeon says looking at the others.

Everyone stays silent, "How the fuck is Gyeong-su better than me?" Na-yeon asks.

"How could you-" Cheong-san says. He walks towards Na-yeon, but I stop him. He tries to push me out of the way, "Cheong-san I said stop moving for one fucking second!" I yell.

He immediately stopped, "Cheong-san, control yourself, please!" I mutter. Tears stream down Cheong-san's face, as he continues to look at Na-yeon.

"We might lose other people too, but that doesn't mean there's no people that care about you. Gyeong-su would want you to survive right?" I ask looking up at him.

He slowly nods, but I can tell he is still frustrated. I look back at Na-yeon, "You know what Na-yeon? I'm not letting anymore of my fucking friends suffer just because of you!-" Before I finish my sentence I hear Su-Hyeok whisper, "That's enough Y/n.."

Su-Hyeok pulls me back, but I push him, "You're a..murderer" I say under my breath, while looking at Na-yeon. I push her harshly which makes her fall against the wall.

She looks up at everyone with tears on her face, "I-I have no friends..I don't need any of you guys anyways-" Na-yeon says standing up.

She turns around and walks out the door, "Hey!-" Wu-jin yells standing up from his chair. Mrs.Park runs towards the door, but Wu-jin stops her.

I look at Cheong-san once again and see tears streaming from his eyes. Su-Hyeok turns to me, "You sure you're okay?" I hear Su-Hyeok say. I nod while looking at the door.

Suddenly Su-Hyeok pulls me into a hug. I hug him back because, I finally feel safe once again. We get interrupted by Mrs.Park's voice,

"Guys..No matter what happens, don't die. Don't let anyone else die either..If you cause someone's death, then living is meaningless..Okay?"

I look over at Mrs.Park and feel a tear roll down my cheek. Mrs.Park looks at all of us then..She runs out the door, "Mrs.Park!-Mrs.Park!!" Dae-su yells.

Dae-su tries to run to the door, but Wu-jin stopped him, "Dae-su don't go," Wu-jin says. Dae-su breaks down into tears and hugs Wu-jin.

I wipe my tears away with my hands. The whole room is quiet, "Fuck!" Cheong-san yells punching a cabinet. I look around and see everyone in tears.

I see Cheong-san walk over to the window. I see him look outside. I walk towards him and don't say a word. I look at his hand, "Is your hand okay?" I ask Cheong-san.

He looks down at his bloody hand and doesn't say anything. I walk over and look in the cabinets and look for some Band-Aids. I don't see any. I climb up the counter so I can reach the top.

I grab some Band-Aids from the cabinet "What are you doing Y/n?" I hear Su-Hyeok say. I jump back in fright and fall.

I feel someone catch me from behind. I look up and see it's Su-Hyeok,
"Y/n are you alright?!" He says worried, "Yeah, I'm good" I say. Su-Hyeok puts me down after.

I walk over to Cheong-san, "I got some Band-Aids for you, I know they really won't help that much, but-" Cheong-san interrupts me, "Thanks
Y/n," He says with a little smile.

I nod and walk over to On-jo, "Go comfort him. You know this could be your chance to tell him how you feel!" I whisper to her.

She looks at me, "Not happening" On-jo says in a harsh voice. I look at her astonished, "If you say so" I say. I walk over where Su-Hyeok is. I stand beside him, "Will we ever get out of here?" I say looking down at my shoes.

Su-Hyeok turns and looks at me, "We will..Just have hope, it's not like we'll be here forever anyways" I hear him say. His words are so comforting it makes me smile...

(I really wanna know if you guys are enjoying this story. I hope you are :) Anyways this is another long chapter I wrote. Hope you guys are enjoying the story! ❤️)


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