| Ch. 37 |

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Morning hit. Finally, some fresh sunlight shone through the windows. I woke up to witness Dae-su facing Ha-ri. Does he want to say something to her?

"What's your deal?" Hair's stubborn voice asked. Dae-su hesitated. "I.. I Like you." He said. What the fuck. Why would Dae-su say something so stupid right now?

"What? Crazy bastard." Wu-jin had said. Everyone's faces we're switching back and forth. It was almost like watching a K-Drama in real life.

This was absolutely ridiculous. "I think you're the perfect girl," Dae-su told her. Wu-jin was just like the fuck. "What? You freak?" Wu-jin questioned Dae-su annoyingly.

Dae-su can be embarrassing when he even tries not to.


We all decided that we would use these types of tall boxes to build a border around us so we could exit the gymnasium.

Some of us kept arguing if we wanted to put them lower instead of building them taller. The tall option got the most votes. So that's what we were all going for.

As we all were searching for things to build the circular border, Cheong-san seemed to have found something.

"Hey. Chocolate bar." Cheong-san called out. Dae-su frowned as he saw on the wrapper that the chocolate bar had already expired.

The rest didn't care. After all, they all were hungry. Dae-su started to open the chocolate bar as the rest watched him do it. "Only take a little bite," Dae-su called out as he handed it to Wu-jin.

After the rest passed it around, I was third to last as Dae-su was beside me. I kept staring at the chocolate in my hand. It did look good, but I didn't want the chocolate to eat, I wanted something else. I know it's not chocolate..

I passed it to Dae-suI kept staring at the small piece of chocolate in my hand. I looked over as Dae-su shoved the rest of the chocolate piece into his mouth. Then, I see Joon-young beside him.

"Yah. Joon-young didn't have any." Wu-jin called out. Dae-su slowly turned to look at Joon-young. Joon-young just had no expression, but I could tell he really wanted some chocolate.

"Have mine," I called out to Joon-young.  He takes it gratefully and shoves it into his mouth. "Why didn't you want to eat the chocolate?" Su-Hyeok asked pulling me aside. I look up at him as I sigh, "I simply didn't want it. Is that enough information?" I said.

"Yah!" I yell at Dae-su. He looked over at me frightened. I walked over to him and smacked the back of his head. "Is your hunger all you care about? Put others first and then yourself!" I scolded.

"Yeah Dae-su, c'mon man," Wu-jin said. Everyone signed. "Let's find some armor to protect ourselves when we go out there," I suggest.

Everyone nodded as they started looking for armor. I look over at Cheong-san. "Yah, Cheong-san! Get over here." I yelled. He came over. "What is it Y/N?" He asked.

"Here. I found some armor for you-" Cheong-san cuts me off. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me. What matters is you." He smiled a bit at me.

"Since when is my best friend so caring apparently?" I questioned. Cheong-san looked at me with an annoyed look. "Yah. We're in a zombie apocalypse. Do you seriously expect me to not care in a situation like this?" He questions.

"Now stretch your arm out, let me the armor on you." He said. I simply smiled a bit. "Thanks, Cheong-san," I say. I look over to see Su-Hyeok helping On-jo put on her armor. She kept staring at him as she smiled.

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