| Ch. 19 |

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I slowly open my eyes, to bright sunlight shining through the window. I stand up and stretch since I've been laying down for so long.

Cheong-san walks over to the window and he looks down. I walk over to Cheong-san, "No one came" He says in a upset voice.

I look at him, "Maybe they couldn't get here?" I say looking outside. Then, we both hear choppers from a far distance. We see seven helicopters, to be exact.

*Quick Time Skip*

After everyone woke up, all of us are just sitting down, "They should come for us eventually" On-jo says looking at the others.

"If they were to come, they wouldn't be able to find us cause we're here." Ji-min says looking at On-jo.

"We could build a signal that means help?" I say. Ji-min looks at me, "How would we do that?" She says.

"My dad taught me a signal that's used internationally." On-jo says thinking for a minute. Nam-ra looks up at her, "So? How do we build that signal?" Nam-ra seriously says.

"It was red and blue arranged together, to create some sort of pattern..." Then, On-jo stops talking.

"Should we just right S.O.S on the curtain?" I say looking at the others, "We can't last long anyway. Three minutes of no oxygen, three weeks with no water, and three weeks without food." Nam-ra states.

"Where do you get that from?" Ji-min says looking at her confused, "That's how long a person can survive" Nam-ra clearly says.

"It's only been a day, we have to try to survive the best we can." I say. Nam-ra looks over at me, "We'll show signs of dehydration after today" She states.

"So your basically saying that we should go? Or are you saying we'll die anyways and we shouldn't bother going anywhere?" I say a bit confused.

*Time Skip*

"We could use a phone to go online?" Cheong-san speaks up, "We don't have one? So how are we supposed to?" Su-Hyeok says confused.

(I'm gonna make Y/n and Cheong-san best friends btw. Ik I-sak was Y/n's best friend, but I hope you don't mind if Cheong-san is her best friend too :) For example, if they worry/care about each other, go places with each other, or when Cheong-san is over protective of Y/n, they don't fall in love. They'll just be close to each other okay? Ty for listening, now continue please.)

"In the teachers office" Cheong-san says walking over to the window. I immediately walk to the window, "Cheong-san, come back in." I say.

He turns around and looks at me, "The teacher's office is two rooms across and one floor down" He states.

"Don't go-" Cheong-san interrupts me, "I'll come back if I can't make it all the way," He says looking at me. The two of us stay quiet without saying anything.

"Don't worry okay?" He says looking at me, "What about if you-" Cheong-san interrupts me, "I promise you
Y/n.." He says.

Then, he starts climbing out, "You're not going alone, I'll come with you" I say climbing out also, "Y/n, you have to stay here. It's safer for you and-" Su-Hyeok interrupts Cheong-san, "He's right you should stay," Su-Hyeok says walking over to the two of us.

Cheong-san continues to climb to the right, while Su-Hyeok climbs out the window too. I grab Su-Hyeok's hand, "Su-Hyeok, you're going too?" I say in a worried voice.

"I'll be back" He says following Cheong-san. I open my mouth to say something, but instead I go and sit down on a chair.

"I'm going too," Dae-su says walking to the window, "Stop it, and come down" Joon-young says pulling Dae-su back.

Dae-su looks at him with a concerned look, "You can't go with that body, fasto" Joon-young states.

Dae-su stays quiet and sits back down instead. Is this how it feels to have two people gone, risking they're lives that I care about?

(End of Ch.19! Sorry I didn't post for like 1-2 days, anyways I hope you liked Ch.19! Ty for the votes and followers! :) )


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