| Ch. 30 |

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|A/N : I'm just going to change Jae-Hyeon into Jae-Hyun. Idk why, but okay. Hope that's okay ! Btw, if you do not like his name, that is totally okay ! Instead of saying his name you could say, "H/n" Which stands for, "His Name" So basically you name him whatever I guess. Sending hearts to all !! Btw, sorry I haven't posted for like a week !

TW : Cursing/Cussing.

|BTW, Y/n's brother is a Cha Eun-woo model. IT JUST RANDOMLY CAME UP TO MY MIND, SO OKAY ? THANK YOU !|

Nope. Hell no. Not accepting what he said. Not happening. I'm refusing this!

"Yeah no shit. I'm not listening to some random guy and he said he's my brother?! What the actual fuck?" I say.

"Nope. Not going to believe you at all! I'm refusing!" I yell. I sigh, "You can be stalking me, but not coming at me while you say that you're my brother?" I continue.

He tries to talk, but I continue talking, "Take your ass somewhere else, and find another younger sister of yours. Which is not me, you shit head." I reply.

"If you would just listen for one second!-" I cut him off, "Hell no!" He annoyingly sighs.

"Has your mother ever hid something from you? Like clothes or something?" He'd ask.

What the fuck, "Why would my own mother hide fucking clothes from me?!" I yell at him.

"Hush! You're going to make more zombies come!" He'd whisper-yell. I sigh in anger, "Look, you're wasting my time here. I'd rather go before I even get bit!" I yell.

I'm walking towards the stairwell, but he pulls me back, "Not regular clothes! Like for a little boy or something?" He'd ask.

"Even if she did, I wouldn't tell you shit head." I reply. He sighs, "Just try to think!" He replies.

Ugh. I try to think about it, but nothing really, "Holy shit!" I exclaim. He looks at me, "What?!" He'd ask.

"I do remember something..." I say.

|Flash Back|

|A/N : This happened a few days before the apocalypse happened.|

"Eomma! I'm heading to school!" I yell. There's silence. I sneak closer to her bedroom door, as I look inside. She was holding clothes.. More for a little boy though. Tears would roll onto her cheeks and clothes.

"Eomma? Are you okay?" I ask. She quickly looked over, as she'd wipe her tears and threw the clothes somewhere.

"Why do you have clothes? For like..a little boy?" I ask. She immediately steps out of her room, and shuts the door.

"Oh it's nothing. Just some old clothes I found in a box. That's all!" She'd reply with a fake smile.

|End of Flashback|

I explained to him, all I remembered.
He seemed to listen all the way, "So then, if she had those type of clothes for a little boy, would that mean that you lived there before?" I reply.

He nodded to my question. Holy shit. Was he actually telling the truth now? I didn't say anything anyway.

"Are you into Archery?" I ask to break the silence. He looks over, "Yeah, why?" He'd ask. I shake my head, "Just asking." I say.

|Btw, he is wearing the uniform Jang Ha-ri would wear. (For a boy) Maybe like Min-Jae.|

"Oh and, I also have a picture of Appa and Eomma." He'd say. My eyes widen, "Really?" I ask. He nods.

He takes it out of his pocket, as he hands it to me. It was black and white of course and it was a bit dusty.

"Where'd you get it?" I ask. He looks down at me, "I just found it in Appa's room." He replies.

|Appa : Dad in Korean|

I continue to look at the photograph. Eomma had a long white dress it seemed, and long |H/C| silky hair. Also, a beautiful smile. Even a veil.

|H/C| : Hair Color.|

Appa seemed to be wearing a black tuxedo. Also, with a smile next to Eomma.

"Is it they're-" Jae-Hyun cuts me off, "They're wedding photo? Yes, it is." Wow, they're wedding photo?

"What year was it?" I ask. He sighs, "I don't really remember, but I think it was-" He gets cut off by zombies growling through the hallways.

"Shit!" I yell. I look back and forth, panicking. Jae-Hyun grabs my hand, as we run up the stairs.

I miss a step, as I trip. Holy shit, that hurt! The side of my leg started to turn light pink to red a bit. Jae-Hyun stops his tracks, as he grabs my hand to run.

"Why aren't you keeping up with me?!" He'd yell. I sigh in anger, "Don't you see I tripped shit head?!" I yell.

He sighs, as he picks me up bridal style, as we continue to run up the stairs. We make it near the rooftop door, as everyone has attention on us.

Holy shit, why is this so embarrassing? He sets me down, as we continue to stare at all of them, as they stare back at the two of us in silence.

"Y/n!" Cheong-san yelled to break the silence. He ran up to me, as he'd hug me, "Where were you?!" Cheong-san asked.

I don't reply, "I was.." I don't finish my sentence, as zombies continue to come. Jae-Hyun and I run up where the others are near the door, as Cheong-san followed.

"Won't this shit open at all?!" I yell, as I try to pull the handles back. I bang on the door with my fists aggressively.

"Y/n, move back please!" Dae-su yelled, as I moved back. While Dae-su tried to open the door, Su-Hyeok pulled me aside for a bit.

"Where were you Y/n?" He'd ask. I stay quiet. He leans down at my height based on our height difference.

"I was with.. Um, my uh.." I don't finish my sentence, "Y/n." Jae-Hyun called out. I look past Su-Hyeok, "Huh?" I reply.

"This weird Choi Nam-ra girl wants to talk to you. Isn't she a zombie or something?" He'd say.

I sigh annoyingly, "She's not weird, also she's a half-zombie. Is that enough information, shit head?!" I'd reply.

I walk past Su-Hyeok, as I make my way to Nam-ra, but I don't realize I ignored Su-Hyeok's question, "What is it?" I ask. Her breathing is heavy, more in a scared way though, "They're coming.." She'd reply.

"Who's coming?" I ask. Suddenly, a group of zombies come crashing upstairs, "Shit!" I curse.

I run down the stairs, as I grab some hard medal bar from the ground. I smack all the zombies who came close to me on they're head.

Suddenly, the zombies burry me with they're bloody bodies. It was difficult to breathe..

As they

Were all

On top

Of me..

|Sorry I didn't post. Here was Ch. 30 ! Sending hearts to all !!! ♡♡ |

Creator : OfficialAOUADstories

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