| Ch. 21 |

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(Here is Ch. 21! I'm sorry I haven't posted. I haven't been able to write that much lately. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! <3 )

All of us keep looking at the small screen, as I just stare at the window. Why can't Cheong-san just appear?

"There's no one in the infirmary" Wu-jin says looking closer at the screen. I look at the screen, "Could you check the hallway?" I say.

Joon-young nods, as he brings the drone into the hallway. I look at the screen hoping to see Cheong-san somewhere safe, but all I see were zombies.

"Wait, hold on" Wu-jin says looking at the screen closer than before. He points to an arrow that's on a zombie.

"Isn't that an arrow?" Wu-jin says looking at Dae-su, "That surely is." Dae-su says staring at the screen.

"Why do you ask?" Dae-su states looking confused. Wu-jin keeps staring at the arrow, as if it were to mean something, "My sister- She had a competition today" Wu-jin says.

Wu-jin now has a worried look ok his face. Dae-su tries to comfort him, as Wu-jin has his head down on the table.

The drone goes in our old classroom. All the desks and bloody backpacks are all scattered around the room.

"Where the hell is Cheong-san?" I hear Su-Hyeok say beside me. The drone goes through the shattered classroom window and it goes near the science room.

"It's Cheong-san!" I here On-jo say. She points at the screen, as I immediately look. I feel so relieved that he's alive.

I quickly walk to the window and grab the hose, "He's alive!" I hear Su-Hyeok say from a far distance.

I turn around and see him looking over at me. We both make eye contact for a few seconds, but then I look over at the hose.

"I- I should go get Cheong-san" I say grabbing the hose tighter. I'm about to climb down, but Su-Hyeok immediately stops me, "Y/n, you're not going. It's too risky" He says grabbing my hand.

"He's my best friend, and I won't leave him like that. That's not what friends do, or is it?" I say looking up at him.

Su-Hyeok doesn't say anything, as he continues holding my hand. I grab the hose once again, but Su-Hyeok holds my hand tighter.

He suddenly pulls me into his embrace. I stay silent and don't say anything. He stops hugging me, as he pulls me down from the window.

I look back at the window and think. Is this the right decision? Should I not go look for Cheong-san?

Even if he never listens to me, he'll be fine, r-right? What if he gets hurt? Or what if..He turns by then..

All those thoughts keep swirling throughout my head. I look around and see everything moving weirdly. Suddenly, I lose my balance and fall to the ground.

Su-Hyeok immediately rushes to my side, "Y/n, do you feel alright?" I hear Su-Hyeok say in a worried voice. I nod slowly, as I try to sit up, "Take it
easy Y/n, there's no rush" Su-Hyeok says, as he helps me sit up.

He grabs both of my hands, as he pulls me up from the ground. Su-Hyeok helps me walk over where the others are surrounding the table.

I see Su-Hyeok grab a chair, as he puts it in front of me, "Can you sit down?" I hear Su-Hyeok say. I just stare at him, "It's fine, I can stand" I say putting the chair aside.

"Are you sure-" I interrupt Su-Hyeok, "I said I'm fine. You don't need to worry" I say. I bend down to look at the screen.

The drone goes even closer to the science lab, "Hey Cheong-san!" Dae-su says yelling at the screen, "He can't hear you!" Joon-young says annoyed.

"Would you be quiet? You could get us all killed" Wu-jin says nudging Dae-su, "My bad.." Dae-su says whispering. I see Nam-ra walk over to the door. She puts her ear against the door, as if she wanted to hear something.

"Do you know how much the drone will last?" Ji-min says, "It has low battery, but I'm sure it'll be fine" Joon-young says reassuring Ji-min.

"Since we confirmed where Cheong-san is, let's look elsewhere" Ji-min says looking around at us. I see Nam-ra walk over, as she stands beside me.

"Y/n and On-jo, is that okay?" Ji-min says looking up at the two of us. No matter how desperate I feel about Cheong-san, we both nod.

"Here we go" Joon-young says, as the drone goes in the front of the school. I look at the door and keep thinking,
"Y/n?" I hear Nam-ra say.

I flinch and look at her feverishly, "Yeah?" I say. She just stares at me, "Why we're you staring at the door?" She says.

"..I was thinking about going out" I say looking down, "Why?-" interrupt Nam-ra, "I want to go get Cheong-san. When I try to, someone always stops me." I say a bit annoyed.

I feel like I have no feelings at that point. I walk to the door and open it, "Hey! What are you doing?!" Su-Hyeok says grabbing my wrist.

I look at him and say nothing. I manage to get out of his grip and step out. I feverishly shut the door and run towards the stairwell.

I manage to escape from the zombies luckily, "Y/n!" I hear Su-Hyeok yell from a far distance. I quickly look back at him, as he is running towards me from a far distance.

I quickly look around, to see where to hide. Suddenly someone pulls me, as they cover my mouth, "Don't you remember me, Y/n?" The mysterious voice says.

I look at their face. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Yoon Gwi-nam. He looked different. He had blood all over his clothes and his right eye looked like it got stabbed, "So? Where you off to?" He says looking at me, "To find Cheong-san" I mumble.

Gwi-nam's eyes widen, "That fucker?" He says madly, "Where the hell is he?" Gwi-nam says. I stay quiet, "Answer me!" He says, as he chokes me.

He starts to choke me harder, as I feel like I can't breathe. I even feel my legs not touching the ground, "If you don't answer me now, I swear I'll kill you" He says.

My eyes widen in fear, as he starts choking me even harder than before. I gasp for air, as I try to get Gwi-nam to stop choking me.

"You asked for it, even if you manage to escape from me.. I swear I'll kill you, Y/n" Gwi-nam says looking at me with deadly look.

I feel my eyelids wanting to close. I feel like I can't take anymore breaths, "Let go of her you fucker!" I hear Su-Hyeok say. Gwi-nam let's go of me, as he walks over to fight Su-Hyeok.

I lay on the ground, as I catch my breath. I look up and see Gwi-nam about to hit Su-Hyeok. I stand up and grab Gwi-nam by the arm.

I try to pull Gwi-nam back, but he throws me harshly to the wall. I try to get up, but everything hurts. I see Su-Hyeok push Gwi-nam down the stairwell, as he rushes towards me.

"Did he hurt you?" I hear Su-Hyeok say, "No- I'm fine" I say standing up. Then, I fall down again. No matter how much my body hurts, I need to go get Cheong-san.

"Can you walk?" Su-Hyeok says looking at me. I nod, as I get up slowly, "You haven't escaped this time.. I'll find you again and kill you Y/l/n Y/n" I hear Gwi-nam say grunting.

Su-Hyeok and I are in the corner of the wall. Suddenly I hear zombies come. All the zombies go storming down the stairwell. Luckily, they didn't see us.

When they're all gone, Su-Hyeok and I stay quiet. Suddenly Su-Hyeok picks me up the (Bridal-Style-Way) "What are you doing?" I say confused, "We're gonna go back, together" He says looking at me.

I feel my cheeks getting red. He starts running back, as I lean my head into him. He always has his ways of being sweet...

(End of Ch. 21! This Chapter is like 2 Chapters in one, so yeah. It has 1492 words. I hope you guys are doing well <3 Luv you all my sweet readers. ♡♡♡)


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