| Ch. 33 |

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| TW: Cursing/Cussing/Swearing |

"Y/N, are you sure you're okay?" I heard a voice call out to me. I flinch a bit. Everyone's breathing Su-Hyeok's eyes seemed to fill with worry.

Though I hate lying, I just can't tell him. I give him a small nod...

|A/N : Let's just say Gwi-nam was thrown off the roof by now. Just to let you know, I'm changing the scene a bit.|

Cheong-san ran over, "Are you okay
Y/N?" He'd ask. I nodded, "What's that thing wrapped around your wrist?" He questioned.

"Oh.. It's just a small scratch." I reassure him. He grabs my wrist to see what was under the cloth I had wrapped around my bite mark.

I try to pull my hand away, "Yah! Stop." I yelled. Then, he took the cloth off revealing a bite mark. His eyes widen.

"Y/N.. Why didn't you tell me?" His shaky voice asked. The rest backed up, as Cheong-san and Su-Hyeok didn't.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized.

I'll just leave. I don't want to hurt any of them. All of them seemed scared...

I run to the edge of the rooftop, as I looked down.

Just do it.

No one will even care.

Just die Y/N.

You'll be alone forever anyways..

I felt my eye sight slowly turning pink
to red.

I take one last breath, as I'm close to jumping. A hand grabs me, "Let go. I know all of you are scared, you can't hide it." I say.

"I'm not scared of you.." The voice replied. Tears filled my eyes.

"I promise.." The voice said again.

I slowly turn around, and see Su-Hyeok. He offered a small smile.

If you don't die Y/N, you'll end up hurting all of them . . .

"I can't.." I said. I weakly smiled, "I know we promised that we would protect each other no matter what, but listen, you have to make it without me. I'll always be with you, I promise." I said tearing up.

I reach inside my pocket to grab a old friend ship bracelet Su-Hyeok gave me when we were younger. I had always carried it around with me, even though it doesn't fit me that well.

"Here.." I offered the bracelet to Su-Hyeok. He looked down at me with teary eyes, "Y/N, don't do this please..." He begged. I shook my head.

"Just promise me that you'll survive and live a happy life, okay?" I said. I look past Su-Hyeok to see Cheong-san. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly, "Please don't go Y/N.." His teary voice said.

"I'm sorry Cheong-san.." I apologized. I stepped away from the hug. Suddenly there's lighting. I immediately covered my ears. Everything seemed so much louder than before.

Then another lighting strike. My ears started to hurt. I continued to cover my ears, "Are you okay Y/N?"
Su-Hyeok worriedly asked. My ears hurt so much, but I nodded. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I my ears hurt so fucking much.

"My ears hurt a lot." I said. Su-Hyeok took me further away from the rest. He ripped some of his white shirt, as he rolled the two cloths into small pieces, "Here. I know they won't really help, but maybe a little." He said.

| Y/N will be a hambie just like Nam-ra. I also might've skipped some parts because while writing this Chapter it was a busy day. Kind of rushed ig? |

I grab them from his hand, as I put each one in my
ear, "Thanks." I whispered. Then it started to rain. Su-Hyeok and I looked up at the sky where rain was falling down.

He looked down at me. He leaned in and kissed me.

His soft lips pressed against mine..

We leaned away from each other, "I love you Lee Su-Hyeok.." I said. He smiled, "I love you more Y/L/N Y/N." He whispered back.


I remembered my bite mark. I look up at him, "I- I have to go.." I said. I start walking away, but he grabs my hand, "Y/N, please don't go.. If you dare to jump, I'll jump with you. I'll always protect you, no matter the situation." He said.

What he said was so heartwarming, "Don't go, and stay here with us.. Please?" He begged. I sigh, "Alright." I say...

A/N : I truly apologize for not updating, I'm having some issues currently, again I'm so sorry !

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