Chapter Nine: Bro!

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"Hehe! Incredible! I'm actually inside this titan!" Inosuke said banging on the windows of the train.

"Could you calm down?! You're gonna break the glass like that!" Zenitsu said, pulling Inosuke down to his seat as best as he could.

Yumi just sighed for the hundredth time. 'Inosuke-Kun is out the window again, I wonder how long this mission is going to take...Also, why is Zenitsu-Kun yelling?'

"There's demons on this train?! Noooo! I haven't even won the heart of Yumi-Chan or Nezuko-Chan yet!" He screamed with his hand on each side of his head.

"Over 40 people have gone missing on this train over a short period of time. We sent in over several demon slayers, but they all vanished. And that is the reason I'm here." Rengoku said.

Zenitsu started to scream even louder than before. Then a man came inside the train carriage. "May I see your tickets please?" The man said.

"What's happening?" Tanjiro said.

"That man there, he is going to check if your ticket is valid." Rengoku said.

Soon all of them gave him their ticket. 'Seems rather pale, is he okay?' Yumi thought to herself.

After the light of their cart flickered. Tanjio looked around the cart. 'That sent, it's horrible.'

"Thank you very much." The man said.

Rengoku suddenly stood up from his seat. "Conductor, apologies for the sword, but there is a reason. So please keep a safe distance."

The lights flickered again. This time a demon with horns all over his body appeared. "What a giant. Did you use blood demon art? It was difficult to detect you. Know this." Rengoku started to pull his sword out. "If you bare your fangs at the innocent, I will see your bone into ash with my bright red blade of fire!"

The demon then growled at him. "Flame Breathing, First Form: Unknowing Fire." Rengoku charged towards the demon at high speeds and decapitated them in one slash.

"Amazing...And with a single slice." Tanjiro just stood there watching the demon burst into nothing.

"There's still one more... Come with me!" Rengoku said as he dashed towards the door to the next cart. The other demon slayer followed.

All the people at the cart were running away in fear, screaming. There stood a demon with long limbs. Only one man was left and the demon went to attack him but missed.

"You will not lay a finger on that man." Rengoku said. "Let me make this clear. Your opponent stands before you now."

"What is that thing?" Zenitsu said hiding d=behind one of the seats. "Its...Its arms are so freaking long..."

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