~Chapter Sixty Nine~

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Maddy returned home to nothing but pure silence

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Maddy returned home to nothing but pure silence. The thoughts were swirling in her head and they were making her angry. She understood that she screwed up and all the silence was doing was giving her more time to think about it.

Thankfully for her, the silence didn't last long because there was a knock on her door. She stood still for a second debating whether to open it or ignore it until whoever was there went away. The latter one seemed quite satisfying, but the constant knocking was making it obvious that the mystery person wasn't going away.

Swinging the door open, she comes face to face with a familiar brunette boy. "Jeremy? How'd you know where I live?" She questions.

"I uh-"

"He asked around. Didn't take to long to figure it out." The hybrid standing next to him answers quickly.

"Right." Maddy nods. "And who are you?" She narrows her eyes.

"I'm Tyler Lockwood. A friend of Jeremy's. When he said a hot girl took him on a picnic I had to see for myself."

When Jeremy told Tyler about Maddy erasing her memories of them, he was, much like Damon, happy to get another first chance. He was relieved she wouldn't remember the he bit her or that he tried killing her over his Uncle. Now was his time to get back on her good side, get back in her good graces.

"Right... So what are you two doing here?"

"I shouldn't have stormed off like that after those people attacked you. I don't know what was wrong with me." Jeremy states.

Maddy nods her head in agreement. "I was just blaming it on teenage hormones."

"Do you wanna hang out with us? I won't be weird this time I promise?"

"You came all the way to my house to ask if I wanna hang out with you and your hybrid friend?"

"Yeah." He smiles warmly.

"What he means by hang out is help us practice fighting. You're a pretty old vampire, we figured you know all the oldest tricks in the book." Tyler speaks.

She stared at the two boys in front of her, both wearing giddy smiles. She knew she wasn't supposed to be around them, but she couldn't say no. Not with the way Jeremy was giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do." She shrugs.


The three pull outside of The Gilbert residence. Maddy was sat in the back seat, Tyler in the drivers, and Jeremy in the passengers.

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