~Chapter Seventy Three~

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"I didn't miss this place

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"I didn't miss this place." Elena sighs shaking her head as the three of them walk towards the abandoned house.

"Eh, it's not all that bad. It is where we met Elijah." Maddy shrugs, a small smile forming on her face as she thought about the Original.

"You do remember he was the start of all our problems, right?" Damon cocks an eyebrow in her direction.

"Correction, he was the start of your guys' problems, you and Elena were the start of mine." She states.

"Rude," Elena mutters under her breath.

"Not rude, my dear doppelgänger, just facts." Maddy shrugs, as they finally reach the front door. "Ok, let's get this over with." She sighs.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what are you doing?" Damon questions quickly grabbing her arm before she could open the door.

"Saving Bonnie, what does it look like?"

"We can't just go in there without a plan." Elena points out.

"Yeah, actually we can. I'm literally about to right now." Maddy responds, reaching for the door handle again.

"Are you crazy? Are you trying to get us killed?" Damon whisper shouts, grabbing her arm again.

"Maybe." Maddy shrugs turning to face both of them. "Maybe this is all part of my plan, have you thought about that? Maybe I'm the one who set this all up. Have a few friends kidnap Bonnie, lure you here, and then boom slaughter all three of you with my bare hands." She raises her eyebrows, a smirk on her face.

"Would you stop it?" Damon huffs.

"Stop what? I mean would you really put it past me? You know I'm big on revenge."

"You wouldn't do that." Damon shakes his head. "You wanna know why?"

"Why?" Maddy challenges.

"Because you're better than us. You always have been and you always will be. And despite us screwing you over, we still trust you." Damon states, his eyes boring into hers.

"You're right." Maddy nods. "I am better than you guys by like a landslide. Which is why I don't need a plan."

Finally, she attempts to turn the door knob only for it to be locked. With a roll of her eyes, she kicks it open, sending it flying off its hinges. Sighing, she enters the eerily quiet house, Damon and Elena glancing at each other before following behind her.

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