~Chapter Seventy Four~

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Maddy and Elena sat at Bonnie's side awaiting for the witch to awaken

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Maddy and Elena sat at Bonnie's side awaiting for the witch to awaken. The tribrid was kind enough to bring Bonnie back to her house while Klaus and Damon got rid of the bodies. She had given Bonnie some of her blood to heal her but the girl still hadn't woken up yet. The two girls stayed silent, but Maddy could feel Elena's eyes on her from time to time.

"Is there something you wanna say, Elena?" Maddy raises an eyebrow after finally getting annoyed with the doppelgänger's staring.

"Did you kill her?" Elena asks,m quietly while fiddling with her fingers.

"Kill who?"


"Of course I killed her. Did you think I was gonna give her another chance to try and kill me?" Maddy scoffs.

"No, I just thought you would've found a different way." The doppelgänger shrugs.

"I would have if I thought there was one." Maddy sighs, the guilt starting to dwell on her once again.

Madison Sinclair was not a cold-blooded killer. Even if she tried to act like she was, she very much was not. Life in general meant a lot to her, even if it was the life of someone she hated. But, when it came down to it, she had to choose herself. Maddy was willing to die for the right cause, but she wasn't willing to give her life up just because people were scared of what she might do. The only person who was gonna take her out was herself.

"I'm not judging." Elena quickly speaks up as she stands from her spot.

"I know you aren't. You're one of the last people who can judge me for protecting myself... Or anything for that matter." Maddy states, glancing at the brunette.

"...I just think it's weird that ever since you got with a certain Original hybrid, your answer to everything seems to be murder."

Maddy lets out a soft humorless chuckle before turning her full attention to Elena. "You and I both know if that was true, you, Damon, Stefan, and, Bonnie would be six feet under by now." She speaks. "You're hanging around Damon too much."

"Why do you say that?" Elena questions in confusion.

"Because you're starting to gain his tendencies on picking a fight."

"I'm not trying to pick a fight." Elena quickly defends.

"Then what are you trying to do, Elena? What was the point of bringing up Klaus? The way you're always talking about him you make me think you wanna sleep with him or something."

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