Chapter 5

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I went to Caitlyn's shop to get another cup but by the time I got back he had already left for his meet in Plataile , the workers say he left two minutes after I left , he knew he was going to leave before I got back but he sent me anyways, all he wanted was to use the opportunity he had to make me shrink .

I'm just glad that since he is out that means I don't have a lot of work to do other than to clean once everybody has left , and if I am lucky there is a chance he might not return home today , for once I might have a peaceful night and maybe just maybe I'll start dreaming dreams again .

ever since Ethan started torturing me I have been having nightmare after nightmare , they are always the same , in that dream he is my biggest friend and the most nicest person to ever exist but within a split second he transforms into this monster with big red eyes and his body is like that of a wolf and starts chasing me, in the dream I know the beast if after my life and sometimes I fail to outrun it the moment it catches me it rips my tiny body into shreds until I blackout and when I wake up it feels like the most realest of experiences .somedays I get the feeling that it might just happen for real .

I'm sitting at my tiny office which is situated in the storeroom , there are about 6 empty offices in this entire building but he made sure this is where I get to do all my work , this room is stuffed with so many useless things , old company files that will never be used again , lost and found boxes filled with previous workers belongings etc. .

sometimes when I don't have work like today , I sit on my chair spinning around and start laughing at myself and at everyone who wishes to be me , some people might call me mad but its therapeutic for me , I envy those who envy me , they don't know what its like to be free in an animal cage , I am forced to smile whilst my heart weeps .

a loud knock interrupts my thoughts , " come in !" .

Miranda pokes her head in, " hey , I'm about to head home , its already past 4 ,I just wanted to ask if you are still joining us for the celebration ?" , she smiles so optimistically I can't say no ,I work twice as hard as these people do I also deserve to be part of the celebration .

I nod lightly with an equal smile , " cool , I'll text you the address , well I guess I will see you later then " she waves me goodbye and closes my door .

2 hours later ..... everyone has left , I have made sure that all the entry doors are locked so that no one badges in by mistake and catches me wearing these embarrassing cleaning overalls , it's going to stain my reputation even more than it is , right now my reputation is 13 over a 100 and if anyone comes to know that I am also the cleaner not only that but I am the one who makes sure I scrap the poop until the toilets are spotless it will drop to -40 over a 100.

I leave the office right after I'm done with my chores and head straight back home to shower and get ready for the outing, I usually always go out with my sister , I think I've only hung out with my colleagues 3 times if not 4 and they usually go out every weekend , despite being their boss's wife I feel beneath them , I don't want to get drunk and start crying in front of them and sharing things I shouldn't know , they already know too much as it is .

Upon arriving home I find two of sets of whiskey bottles at the doorstep , with a red card hanging on the mouthpiece which reads " congratulations bro , dad couldn't be more proud 🙌😅 " , its from one of Ethan's brothers , either Eric or Seth but my guess is it's Eric because Seth never really sets foot here ,he only came here once and that was when we were hosting the Shares party .

He dislikes me for what I did and he dislikes the way Ethan treats me because of what I did , Eric on the other hands acts like everything is normal, like things are as they were when we were friends.


I arrive at the location Miranda sent to me in Central City - CLUB JUPITER which is the biggest club in town - to find them all still standing outside waiting for me , only the people with high positions in our company are here which equals to 8, Miranda and Joseph ,Selena Jacqueline and the others , the people that fall under 'others' are the girls that hate me for no reason , I think they want Ethan but if that was the case then with what they know they don't have a reason to .... in total we are nine .

Their bright pitiful smiles emerges ," hey Guys" I approach them reciprocating their smiles .

"Mrs. Price in the house yeayahh !" Joseph shouts , the others laugh at this title, I have tried countless of times to get Joseph to address me by my name but to no success , the others address me by name out of disrespect actually come to think of it everyone addresses me by 'Lauren' , not even 'miss Lauren ' just Lauren, even the security guards but everyone else is addressed with some level of respect even Penelope but then again I do not blame them ....

" you guys can head in, I am waiting for my boss slash friend , he's flight just landed , he'll be here an moment , but please do not start the tequila games without me " , Miranda releases us , before I could ask her which boss she's referring to Joseph is already ushering me inside the building .

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