Chapter 19

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saturday morning ... Ethan and I  were invited to  Mayor Robert's 60th birthday party so that is where we are heading in a few hours .

the Mayor and Ethan share a father and son bond , the Mayor loves Ethan because he thinks he is a family man so my dear husband has no choice other than to showcase his acting skills in front of Sarah who insisted to come along with us , I don't know who is in trouble Ethan or Sarah ?, if only she knew the extreme lenghts her boyfriend took to torment me , he is going to have to take those measures to ensure that no one gets suspicious.

I can hear Ethan climbing down the stairs , he stops by the kitchen and puts his black card on the counter , " for your hair and nails " he states.

" oh , thanks " things between us are just awkward now fore we don't know how to act since things are the way they are at the moment .

" and I already had a dress tailor made for you it will be here by 3 O clock" , our eyes don't quite meet , " thanks "  I respond awkwardly .this is the first time he feels the need to give me a heads up on anything, it's evident in his voice and posture that it's as uncomfortable for him .

he clears his throat and says firmly , " I am going out to get a haircut , I think I'll be back before you  " .

" oh okay cool , see you later " I say in a squiky voice .

he nods and exits the house , just then Sarah comes running down the stairs , " good morning Help !" she says wickedly with her messy blonde hair covering her face .

" good morning " I respond.

she looks at the counter , " is that my man's card ?" she asks .

I nod in response , a grin surfaces on her face " why did he give me cash and you the card ?, let me right that wrong " she pulls out money from her wallet , if I'm not mistaken its about 1000 .

" you take this and I will take that " she grabs the card and slides it in her pocket .

I glare at her silently , " what ?, is there something you want to say ?" she moves closer to me .

" no not at all " .

" good , this is a secret between me and you , remember how I saved you the other day from getting slapped ? , this is how you are going to return the favour by keeping quiet , plus a thousand is a lot , you can get beautiful nails with that and for your hair you can just have it moisturised and straightened " , she gets giddy , " oh my god this is about to be the best day ever, let me get ready to leave ,see you ciao  "she runs back upstairs  .

I shake my head in disapproval of her .

I was kind of hoping she didn't see that because I knew she was going to use it as leverage , when she treats me the way she does it doesn't really get to me maybe that's because I couldn't care less about her,but I'm still scared of her.


I return home after 4 hours , the moment I enter the house to find the two love birds aggressively kissing on the couch ,this is starting to annoy me , its hurts to have to pretend like none of this stings me in anyway when it does  .a lot . Ethan is still my husband and I still have feelings for him , it hurts to have to watch them everyday being all affectionate towards each other and pass by like I didn't see anything .

I step in my room and find my dress already on the bed , my husband has good taste when it comes to fancy dresses , he knows the kind of dresses that suit me , he has never allowed me once to pick a dress for myself when we go to events. Although I already know it's not something he does out of love it's he obviously does it for the sake of his deceptive image but I sometimes find myself appreciating it.

as I'm getting ready Austin starts ringing my phone , I look at it and decide to ignore it , he calls me everyday to check on me but he skipped yesterday , I might be a little angry that he didn't call so that's why I don't feel like answering.

He's kind of growing on me but not in that way , in the friendship way , his weird though because he makes it a point to let me know everyday that he has a crush on me at most cases he uses the word Love which I tend to overlook because my definition for love has changed in the past years , I just find it impossible that he'd be in love with me as he claims and I don't want to get on Miranda's bad side so I'd rather just keep my distance.

its already 4 pm and we are all done and ready to leave, Sarah keeps looking at my dress with attitude , " why is Lauren's dress more beautiful than mine Love ?" she finally asks .

Ethan glances at my dress , " according to the public she is my wife , and I don't want to plant any  suspicion  in the Mayor's head , what will people say if my wife came in wearing a cheap dress, she'll give it to you when we get back if that makes you happy " he answers her .

She throws him an offended look" I don't want her seconds , get me my own if you wish for me to have the same  beautiful dress as hers " she says , they both bicker back and forth like I am not here, Sarah keeps insisting that Ethan gets her- her very own tailor .

" okay fine , I'll get you your own personal designer , you are one doctor , most of the doctors I know don't care that much about fancy dressses like you do " he says .

" I'm not like most doctors , I care about clothes just as other women do " .

" then why don't you buy them yourself ?, you make more than enough to buy a dress made of diamonds , why do you insist on spending my money when you have your own ?" he says .

Sarah smacks her own forehead with the palm of her hand starting to get frustrated , " I am a woman , don't you know women love spending their man's money more than they do their own ?, and why are you throwing such words at me ?, I just think its unfair that I seem like the mistress in this situation when its the other way around , I got a dress from the shop and she gets a tailor made , what a joke this is  " she folds her arms and looks away , ' trouble in paradise already ' I laugh internally .

he closes the gap between them laying his hands on her shoulders , " sorry , I won't do it again , you will get the fancier one next time , okay ?" he assures her , I roll my eyes at this , this reminds me of when we were still young , Sarah hasn't changed a bit , she'd always get angry at an Ant issue and Ethan would have to go out of his way to earn her forgiveness even when she was the one in the wrong , five years later they still haven't changed , Ethan is the Simp and Sarah is .... well Sarah, seeing him this pathetic in front of her makes me feel pathetic for being afraid of him as much as I am .

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