Chapter 21

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" I am kidding Mrs Dandy they obviously look good together , how can you ask such an obvious question ?" he covers up with a huge grin when a moment ago he was red , he gets behind me and hugs me from the back laying his chin on my shoulder .

" who knows they might strip us off our titles and become the new couple goals " he says it in such a assuring tone that even I almost believe him .his body temperature is so high I can't help but get scared .

"You almost scared me for a bit " she breathes out slowly out of relief .

"You know I like pulling your leg Mrs Dandy , have you grown so old that you no longer can tell when a person is being playful ?" .

She laughs ," okay now you are just insulting me "

He also laughs like he was joking," Uhm , let me go and check on the Mayor Honey, I'll be back " .
Before I can say sure or okay he has already excused himself .

one thing about Mrs Dandy is that she is not dump although he tried to cover up I think he made it obvious ,even the ladies can also smell the smoke I can tell by just observing their facial expressions , his affection for Sarah became too obvious when he said those words that not even his sweet lies could cover the bitterness .

they are all looking at me like they want to say something but something is disabling them from doing so.

Mrs dandy finally  introduces me to the ladies , they are wives of the prominent men in this building all the way from France , they already know who I am ,one of them tells me that the plane they were in had all sorts of magazines about us .

" That's me and Ethan alright" I say flattered.

they start gossiping about some of the people here , my mind keeps drifting to Ethan, something tells me I should be worried or rather cautious of Ethan , his other side might just surface in front of everyone , Ethan's love for Sarah is just too dangerous for my liking , he treated me like garbage because of her and just now he almost blew his perfect husband image which he built with so much effort over her .

if he exposes himself before everyone and people come to find out all of the things he has been doing was fake and was doing it just to get back at me , then the public will hate him which is equal to losing partners , followers , reputation and his dignity , he stands to lose more in this situation than any of us .

" excuse me Mrs Dandy , I'll be right back " I bow gracefully to the ladies as I leave their circle and head in the direction I saw Ethan going.

I look for him in every room but to no avail .

He was like this back at school
if anyone would gossip about Sarah or say anything bad about her whenever that would lend to Ethan's ears he would flip .

he was calm when Hendry was asking Sarah for a drink because he was confident she'd say no just like she would back then when they kept telling each other they are soulmates ..... maybe I've been lying to myself this whole time by saying he changed after my betrayal .

he has always been sweet and gentle when it comes to other matters ,he'd always try to solve problems between those around him peacefully without violence but he would always take drastic measures when it comes to Sarah ,all that solving conflict without fighting attitude did not apply and I get it now that's why he punished me the way he did ..... its not a now thing its always been like that ,when it comes to Sarah he becomes a monster, I don't know why I never caught wind of it before , tears start streaming down my eyes as I finally realise the truth .

I stop myself from going further , if he is in a bad mood than I can't make it any better he'll end up turning the tables on me , I turn around and head back into the house as I was already outside in search of him in the gardens .

I hear screaming in the house and rush to the door , carefully opening it to find Ethan right at the wall next to me beating Hendry up , the party hasn't even started and a fight is already taking place unfortunately for Hendry businessman don't like getting their suits torn so no one is stopping Ethan from beating the heck out of him.

everyone is watching with mouths wide open , my mind stops working , poor Hendry's nose is bleeding a river , without much thought I step in front of Ethan as he lifts his hand for another punch , I close my eyes ready to take the hit ....... his hand remains in the air .

he looks into my eyes , and slowly eases up ,coming back to his senses , Mrs Dandy moves closer turning Ethan to face her , she slaps him so hard the the sound echoes through the whole house I hold my cheeks as if I were the one slapped , the Mayor emerges with his wife from the corridors .

" what is your problem ?!" she screams at him .

" this pervertious niece of yours  was touching my Sa.... wife's cousin inappropriately , his hands were rubbing all over her thighs " he screams back at her .

" and so , what is wrong with that, they are both adults. its not like she's your wife !" she shouts lifting hendry off the floor , Ethan remains quiet , " what ?cat caught your tongue ?, wait a minute .... earlier you ...." she looks at me and then Sarah and then back at Ethan .

" what is going on here ?, is Sarah really your cousin Lauren because if she is then I can assure your that your faithful husband is not as faithful as we thought " she looks at him with complete disgust written over her face . the crowd gasps .

Ethan looks at her still angered but defenceless at the same time .

the Mayor rushes down the stairs , " what is this commotion , Ethan son why are you doing this ?, on my birthday ?, " He asks evidently disappointed  .

" you know what never mind , everyone just leave , I don't think this party can go on any further , thank goodness the press hasn't arrived yet " he turns around and faces the crowd , " I am so sorry for what happened here , fellow friends I would really appreciate it if none of you tell people about what happened just now " , the mayor is just trying his luck, he knows very well he can not stop people from talking by simply asking them not to .

everyone leaves in complete silence , Mrs Dandy shakes her head at Ethan , " Lauren , be careful , I am telling you these two are doing something behind your back , I've been married before,I know how these kinds of situations usually play out" she shakes her head and turns on her heels leaving along with the others , now there is only five of us left .

Ethan tries to open his mouth but the Mayor stops him , embarrassed and dissapointed he says " you can also go , I was so looking forward to tonight and you just had to ruin it , I'm not in a mood to take any excuses  " he heads straight upstairs with his wife leaving the three of us behind, the fact that Sarah is standing here looking unaffected is annoying every inch of me .

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