Chapter 49

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     Branch was hesitant to go back into the village the next morning... He knew Poppy had said she wouldn't tell anyone his secret... and he trusted her... he really did... but accidents happen... What if she slipped up, and accidentally told one of her many friends? And then that friend told another friend... who told another friend... who told another friend! his deepest darkest secret eventually making it's way across the entire village, all the way up to King Peppy!?

Oh god... he was SO dead...

     His heart raced in pure absolute horror as the paranoid survivalist took a trembling step out of the forest, and into the village...

He had stayed out the night before, just walking around aimlessly to clear his head after what had happened. Poppy knew now... she knew he was the wolf... and that... that could be a very bad thing...

     As he walked through the village, Branch looked around in terror at the many passing trolls, all of them stopping whatever they were doing to stare at him in shock... Some of them even looked at him in fear... pure... absolute... fear...

     "That's him..." he suddenly heard in a soft whisper coming from behind himself.
"The monster..." whispered someone else, quickly followed by the sounds of many trolls beginning to mutter softly to one another...

     Branch couldn't help but begin to hyperventilate as he looked around at the entire troll community staring at him...

     'Oh god... they know...' he thought to himself in complete panic, the village grump continuing to walk forwards as he tried his absolute best to block out the horrible whispers surrounding him, the little gray troll covering his ears tightly. 'He knows... she knows... They all know!'

Though it did no good... the voices only seemed to grow louder and louder as they echoed nonstop through his mind...

     "He'll destroy us all..." one of the whispers spoke in fear.
"Let's take care of him before he takes care of us..."

     At the sound of that horrifying statement, Branch's heart skipped a beat as it sunk down painfully into the pit of his stomach, the young boy immediately beginning to run far from the village, trying desperately to get to the safety of his bunker... He would be safe there! The trolls couldn't get in!

     "He's escaping! Get him!" someone suddenly shouted, pointing at Branch as the survivalist took off running for his life. "Get the Weretroll!"

     The petrified gray troll began to run faster as the trolls all began chasing after him, but he was having a rather tough time out sprinting the rest of his kind, the villagers gaining on him rather quickly...

     "No!" Branch cried out, just barely dodging a rock that was thrown directly at his skull as he continued running towards the safety of his underground home. "No, Please! Don't hurt me! Please!"

     "Get the Weretroll!" someone shouted out at the top of their lungs, everyone suddenly pulling pitchforks out of their flaming hair...

     "Stop!" Branch begged, tears of fear flowing from his eyes as he looked back at the entire village who remained right on his tail. "Please! Just stop!"

     Finally, the village grump reached his bunker, quickly typing in the super secret passcode to get inside...

"I got him!" someone shouted out, suddenly grabbing hold of Branch's vest...

"AHHH! No, no, no!" the poor boy screamed out in pure and utter terror, quickly slipping free of his leaf vest to rush inside, the little gray troll shutting the hatch right behind him as he quickly locked up his home nice and tight...

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