Chapter 69

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"I... I still don't know about this, Poppy..." Branch stated skeptically, everything surprisingly quiet all around them as he and the young princess walked together through the village, not even a single troll in sight on such a lovely night. "Are you sure I'm ready...?"

     He still had no clue how Poppy had managed to successfully convince him into actually going to his celebration of happiness party... and now... now that they were so close to their final destination... the poor boy was freaking out more than ever at all the possible sceneries swimming rapidly through his anxious mind... all of them ending in tragedy...

"Of course you are!" Poppy exclaimed excitedly, the young girl hopping up and down in total enthusiasm.

     Smiling, the pink troll looked to Branch her heart soaring with merriment as she saw those beautiful blue colors shining brightly on his formally gray skin...

     She still couldn't believe it... he was finally happy! Her best friend was finally truly happy! And she couldn't be more thrilled than she already was in this one special moment... What could possibly be a better reason to celebrate other than this!?

     "Your first real party!" Poppy finally continued excitedly as the thought of how much fun Branch was going to have tonight popped back into her overly positive brain. "It's gonna be sooo epic!"

"May... maybe we could go easy on the epicness...?" the village grump gulped as he looked to his girlfriend with worry-filled eyes. "Jus... just a little...?"

"Don't be silly Branch," Poppy giggled as she gently punched her boyfriend's arm in a playful fashion. "It's gonna be great! You'll see..."

     "Y... yeah..." Branch muttered under his breath, the poor boy lowering his head in complete discomfort as he gulped yet again, smoothly reaching up to clutch his suddenly queasy stomach... "Greeeeaaat..."

     He was so doomed...

Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena!

The loud music coming from off in the distance made Branch's ear twitch slightly as it suddenly made itself known, getting louder and louder as the two trolls continued walking slowly through the village...

     They were getting close to the party... was it too late to talk his way out of this...?

But don't you worry about my boyfriend. He's a boy whose name is Vitorino. I don't want him... couldn't stand him... He was no good so I hahahaha

"Ooo! They're playing Macarena!" Poppy suddenly squealed loudly in excitement when she too began to hear the music blaring off in the distance. "That's my jam! Hurry up, Branchie! We're gonna miss it!"

Suddenly... almost without any warning whatsoever... Poppy grabbed hold of Branch's hand, quickly dragging him off towards the racket at full speed, the poor boy being forced to follow... having no choice but to run just to simply keep up with her... a small groan of despair rising through his throat...


The music was so loud as the two trolls finally arrived at the edge of the raging party, Poppy immediately getting into the dance without even a moment of hesitation, the young princess joining in perfectly with the beat with no problems at all...

Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena!

"Come on, Branch!" Poppy giggled over the roar of the music, the young girl looking to the light blue troll in front of her with a wide smile of pure joy as she continued dancing without missing a step. "Dance with me!"

"I... I'm not really much of a dancer..." Branch muttered softly in reply to the request, the village grump fiddling nervously with his fingers as he lowered his gaze from the love of his life to try and avoid eye contact at all cost. "And... and I don't exactly... know the moves..."

He felt completely embarrassed admitting that... especially when seeing that everyone else in the village was so fluent at the extremely well known dance...

Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena!

"Oh, it's easy!" Poppy assured, grabbing her boyfriend's hand before dragging him out onto the dance floor with her. "Just copy me, ok? You'll get it."

Macarena Macarena Macarena Macarena! Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena!

Branch's observant eyes locked on his girlfriend, he tried his best to copy the young princess' every move, the paranoid recluse unintentionally falling a bit behind in the dance... flipping his hands up when he should have gone down... and reaching for his hips when he was supposed to hold his head...

"You're doing great," Poppy confirmed in a calming tone, seeing her friend was getting a little discouraged as he continued to... in his words... fail... "Just keep trying..."

Branch couldn't help but smile at the comforting words coming from his love's mouth, the young boy picking up the pace just a bit on his dancing, actually beginning to get the hang of it!

     He was doing it! He was actually doing it! He was dancing! He... he was dancing... with Poppy...

     Slowly... he looked back over to her... giving the love of his life a caring grin...

     She truly did make him happy...

Come and find me, my name is Macarena. Always at the party con las chicas que son buenas. Come join me... Dance with me... And all you fellows chant along with me... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena! Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena! Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena... Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena... Hey Macarena!

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