Chapter 65

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The horrible screaming coming from her petrified best friend's throat soon began to settle down, the hospital becoming silent once more as the cries of terror finally died out...

Hearing the newly found silence, Poppy looked towards the room Branch was being held in, the poor girl wanting so badly to be with her best friend... he needed her... and she left him...

And that silence... that pure bone chilling silence... it was somehow worse than the gray troll's bloodcurdling screams...

Was he ok? What if something happened? Why the hair wasn't she in there with him!?


Eventually, after a few hours of complete and total quiet, Branch's door finally slid open, all the many doctors previously needed to hold the survivalist in place flooding out of the tiny room as one of them broke free from the herd, slowly approaching the pink troll sitting impatiently in the waiting room, the medical professional taking off a pare of bloody plastic gloves before throwing them into a nearby trash bin...

"Princess Poppy," the doctor greeted in a soft tone, looking at the young girl in front of him with no clear emotion visible on his fuchsia colored face.

Quickly, Poppy stood up from her seat, the beautiful princess looking to the doctor anxiously, the poor thing wanting so badly to know if Branch was ok... needing to know that Branch was ok...

"He is stable," the doctor finally stated, the older troll gesturing for her to enter the room Branch was in. "You may come back in and see him now."

With a quick nod, Poppy rushed back into the hospital room at a casual pace as to not look too desperate, though her heart was longing to see her best friend safe and sound...

Walking through the open doorway, the young princess immediately saw Branch laying calmly on his hospital bed, the poor boy seeming a bit out of it as his glassy eyes gazed tiredly up at the ceiling in slight confusion...

"Branch?" Poppy said softly, trying to catch her friend's attention, the survivalist looking straight over at the young princess when he heard her voice...

Taking a moment to focus on who was speaking to him, Branch finally allowed a small feeble smile to come to his exhausted face at the sight of the pink troll standing just a few feet away from him, the young boy beginning to chuckle softly...

     "You're blurry," he giggled, looking weakly up at the troll before him, not seeming to fully comprehend who it actually was as he kept his head laying limply against his soft feathered pillow. "Pretty blurry girl..."

     Poppy looked at her friend in complete confusion at the sound of his gurgled words, the young princess cocking her head a bit before then turning to the doctor for answers, a nurse now beside him as she showed the medical profession something clamped onto a clipboard...

     "Why is he giggly?" the young pink troll questioned, raising an eyebrow in slight suspicion.

"We had to give him some anesthesia to help calm him down," the doctor informed, signing the piece of paper that was being shown to him. "He'll be a little loopy for a couple hours."

Checking over the important forms on her clipboard for a quick moment, the nurse turned, walking out of the room to go file them with the rest of the paperwork...

"If you'll excuse me, Princess Poppy," the doctor stated professionally, fixing his scrubs to be nice and neat despite the blood covering him completely. Branch's blood... "I need to go check on Mr. Astinlake's x-rays."

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