Chapter 53

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Down in his heavily fortified Bergen proof survival bunker, Branch slept not so peacefully as he lay curled up in a ball on the cold hard dirt floor of his bedroom, the little Weretroll whimpering silently with his dream, his hands and feet twitching violently as if he were running from something... something that clearly scared the poor boy... a lot...


     The sounds of fighting rung through the air, the trolls and wolves attacking one another in a violent rage, so many of each kind suffering a horrible bloody death...


Branch whimpered at the horrifying sounds echoing loudly through his skull... the horrible sights he could see with his own eyes that flashed with extreme intensity inside his mind... it was almost as if... he were a part of this battle... a scared kid fearing for his life in a seemingly never ending war...

Screams of pure pain and terror rung through the survivalist's head as he scrunched up his face in discomfort, his terrible dream deeply affecting the poor boy as he tried his best to just wake up, his fingers involuntary curling to tightly grasp his sweat soaked pillow...

     "N... no..." he whimpered softly in his sleep, unable to determine for sure weather this was a dream or reality... "No..."


"Help!" a rather young light blue troll with dark green hair screamed out in pure and utter terror, the poor thing huddled up in the small crevice of a tall tree as she held her baby close to her chest, an angry bloodthirsty wolf right in front of her with bared teeth. "Someone help!"


Flashes of light interrupted the scene as it played out in the little troll's head, making it impossible for him to clearly decipher what was actually going on in this moment as blood splattered everywhere, the young survivalist tossing and turning in his sleep, his gray skin shimmering with sweat...

     The poor boy was terrified... petrified...


The wolf pounced at the young mother... another flash of light suddenly blocking Branch's view of the scene completely...

     But... when the light finally faded away... the women was gone... replaced instead by another wolf who was now attacking the first in a violent rage of fury... the poor helpless baby laying on the ground as it cried out in fear, unable to do anything but watch the fight taking place right in front of it... just like Branch was being forced to do right now...


     "Grrrr..." Branch growled softly, his hands and feet twitching fiercely as he tried to run and save this poor child he was unwillingly watching suffer...

But... then... he just... stopped...

Everything about the little gray troll just froze in that one singular instant... his movement... his whimpers of pure and utter terror... even his breathing had stopped, caught dead in his throat as his mind went completely blank....

     Just then... after a few moments of complete darkness... complete silence... a sudden voice began ringing softly through the survivalist's head, his brain throbbing at the horrible blood curdling sound...

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