Chapter 71

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     Branch gulped softly to himself as Poppy dragged him against his better judgment through the crowd of wildly partying trolls with the largest smile ever spread across her amazingly beautiful face, the music pounding fiercely in the young Weretroll's ears as it grew louder and louder the closer the new couple got to the Wooferbug producing the obnoxious beats...

     "Hey, guys!" Poppy greeted in a loud excited shout once she finally got close enough for her group of friends to actually hear her over the overly rambunctious chords piercing the night time air, her usually melodious but now oddly shrill and somewhat squeaky voice causing Branch to wince in slight pain, his ears drooping just a bit to try and muffle all the raging sounds surrounding him completely...

"Poppy!" the snack pack all greeted at once, the entire group rushing immediately over to close the gap between them and their best friend before hugging her tight with all their might, the young princess finally releasing Branch from her grasp to accept the act of love which in turn allowed the paranoid loner to take a small step back as he looked nervously away from them all...

     Wha... what would these trolls think when they noticed he was there...? The world famous party pooper... at a party! Surly they would only scorn him... yell at him and demand he leave before he once again ruined everything... 

     He definitely didn't like all the different scenarios that were currently playing non stop over and over in his panic-stricken brain...

Maybe he should just leave now... before anyone even noticed hi...

     "Wait a sec..." Satin suddenly stated seemingly out of nowhere, Branch freezing in place at the horrifying sound of realization. "Who's that?" Chenille finished, everyone immediately looking to the formally gray troll as he awkwardly stood before them, the poor boy trying his best to avoid eye contact at all cost...

     Great... too late...

     "Oh come-on, guys!" Poppy laughed as if not believing her friends could be so naive, the young princess steadily making her way over to place an arm around her boyfriend's shoulders, the group of trolls all looking to her as she spoke. "You know Branch..."

"Branch!?" everyone gasped, their shocked gazes immediately turning to the village grump once more...

     With a quick gulp of terror, his escape attempt now completely foiled, Branch raised his eyes slightly to the group, looking at each and every one of them in nervous fear...

     "H... h... hi?" he whimpered softly with a slight wave and innocent grin, desperately hoping these trolls wouldn't ridicule him for simply coming out of his bunker... again...

     "Branch! 🤩" everyone suddenly shouted once more, massive smiles instantly appearing on their faces as they all rushed forwards, wrapping the paranoid recluse in a mega group hug much to the young boy's shock...

     "Uh... uh... I..." Branch stuttered, trying frantically to pull away from the suffocating hug, the poor thing completely uncomfortable with the situation he had now found himself in... but... unfortunately... the group of trolls held him tight... making escape impossible...

     "You got your colors baaaaaaaaack!" Guy sang out in auto tune as he squeezed Branch even tighter in his grasp, their faces squishing up against one another's much to the village grump's annoyance. "I can squeeeeeeeeeze you foreever!"

     "Blue is so in nowadays," Chenille praised.
"You look so good!" Satin cheered, clapping her hands enthusiastically.

     "And you actually came to one of Poppy's parties!" Dj yelled out excitedly. "This is great! I'll play your favorite song!" She paused... seeming to be thinking for a moment... "Wait... what is you're favorite song?"
"I..." Branch started to say, but Dj quickly cut him off, the young girl not allowing the clearly distressed troll to speak even a single word. "It doesn't matter!" she yelled out, causing Branch to flinch backwards just a bit. "I'll play all the songs!"
"But I don't..."

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