Chapter 63

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Out in the darkened forest, nothing but tall trees surrounding them on all sides, Branch wrestled with the much larger wolf, the survivalist trying with all his might to get it off of himself as the horrendous beast suddenly bit down hard on his shoulder, it's sharp fangs diving deep into his flesh...

"Ahhhh!" Branch cried out uncontrollably in pure undeniable pain as the poor boy squinted his eyes tightly shut, tons of blood pouring out of his now horribly mangled shoulder... way to much blood...

Pain... so much pain... he... he had to get away... now... or else... this monster would tear him to pieces in a matter of seconds...

Quickly whipping up his feet to kick the wolf square in the jaw, the village grump finally managed to get the beast to stumble back off of him, the little Weretroll quickly rising up to all fours in a defensive stance as he growled fiercely at the threat, his eyes glowing in fury as he tried his absolute best to hide his fear and pain...

The wolf seemed shocked by this troll's actions for a moment... the way he was standing... the way he was growling ferociously at the monster attacking him... the way his eyes were literally glowing like a... like a wolf...


Suddenly, a malicious smirk arose across the wolf's face, the hideous beast seeming quite pleased with itself all of a sudden...

'So it's you...' it snickered. 'You're the other Weretroll...'

Branch's eyes widened in shock, the young boy completely stunned by the wolf's statement...

Other Weretroll? He... he wasn't the only one?

But... despite his complete confusion... Branch held his position, the little Weretroll continuing to growl as he kept his eyes locked on the beast in front of him...

'You are a strong one,' the wolf chuckled maliciously as Branch slowly rose up to his two feet, the gray troll still growling softly as his eyes turned back to normal. 'But not strong enough...'

The wolf slowly began circling his prey, Branch keeping his gaze locked on the threat, the survivalist remaining completely alert despite the tiredness now washing over him so that the beast couldn't gain the upper hand... he would die if he let his guard down for even a second... he had to stay focused...

"Get out of here!" the village grump finally yelled, panting heavily as he reached up to clutch his throbbing shoulder. "And stay away from my fa... my village!"
'Oh... I will...' the wolf replied smugly. 'I just came to get something...'
"And what is that?" Branch asked suspiciously, raising a slight eyebrow as he kept his eyes locked on the circling Weretroll. 'You!'

Quickly, the humungous monster pounced yet again, Branch immediately ducking back down onto all fours to avoid the ambush...

Falling flat onto it's face as it failed it's attack, the wolf shook the dirt from its fur before turning back to it's meal, Branch now standing on all fours as he began growling fiercely once again...

Yet... he wasn't transforming himself into his wolf form... instead... he remained as a troll... a puny helpless troll...

'You're afraid...' the wolf observed with a fiendish grin. 'You're afraid of who you are...'

"I said go!" Branch shouted, pure rage filling his trembling voice. "Leave the trolls alone! Before I do something I'll regret..."

'Don't worry...' the wolf smirked. 'You won't have a chance to regret anything else...'

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