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Her birthday morning seemed to have passed in the blink of her eyes and it was already the afternoon, time to go home for the rest of the students but Wafa and her friends had some different plans.

The college has been hectic today and Wafa wasn't exactly looking forward to what will happen next. Her friends have made some great plans to spoil her with gifts and everything. They even reserved a booking in their favourite beauty parlour, for giving her some good pampering. It was just an excuse to go to the parlour for them, but they also demand her presence.

She hated this tradition every year. It makes her feel less knowing she can't do anything like that for her friends. It was a stinging feeling. A reminder of how poor she was.

But her friends never cared about that. They loved her without asking for anything in return. And she'd forever be grateful for having such kind souls in her life. It made her determined to get a good-paying job one day and return all these pamperings for them with her hard-earned money.

The days didn't seem far and Wafa was delighted just thinking about it.

"Come on, birthday baby. Smile a little." Zunera nudged her in the arms as they walked out of the college gate. Wafa smiled widely, thinking about everything she was going to do when she'd get a job and looked ahead of all the students who were surrounding her as they walked.

She noticed Anushey getting into one of her super expensive cars and turned to face her friends again. Anushey was in the same class as them. Thankfully the twins never liked her. Wafa can't imagine sharing her friends with such an egoistic person. No one in their batch liked her though.

"It's so strange. Like how can she be so prideful." Humera whispered as they walked towards the twin's car.

"Shush. Don't want to talk about her." Wafa held her bag sideways as she got into the car. Humera and Zunera followed suit.

Talking about her meant thinking about what has happened in the morning. And strangely enough, she is been doing only that all day. Her head could explode with the amount of thinking she did today. She sighed whilst leaning against the windows as the driver began the car.

"How long is this whole birthday thing going to take?" She turned to face Humera and eyed her suspiciously. The twins shared a knowing look and smiled innocently.

"Just till ten in the night we hope."

Wafa couldn't help but gape at them, "and when did I agree to that?"

"Come on, don't be like that. Call auntie and ask her permission. I bet she won't say no. She's such a sweetheart. We have so much fun stuff to do." Zunera whined like a child and her heart melted instantly. After all, they were doing it for her, she shouldn't be acting so ungrateful.

"Yes. Call her. Auntie will be cool with it. Just see." She narrowed her eyes at them but a small smile formed in the corner of her lips that made the twins squeal in excitement. She shook her head with a chuckle while calling her mother.

"Mama. Can I stay out a little longer tonight?" Eshal answered on the fifth ring and Wafa didn't bother beating around the bush as her mother wasn't allowed to use the phone for more than five minutes. It was a stupid rule Sania Hussain made every worker follow.

"Is it Humera and Zunera again?" Wafa could feel the smile on her mother's face even from here. She grinned whilst humming in yes.

"Bless them. They're such sweethearts." The twins looked pleased as they passed her smug smiles. She just rolled her eyes at them, "but what about Shahzaib?" Her mother paused in between, sounding worried.

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