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"I can't believe you had typhoid. Why didn't you say anything." Zunera frowned as they sat beside Wafa on the bed. She glanced at the twins, feeling much better than the previous days. It's been five days since that night. In other words, five days since their marriage took a drastic turn. But they don't talk about it. Talking about it just complicates things and Wafa liked how things are moving a little much to get it complicated again.

"I was too worn out to even touch my phone." Wafa replied with a pout, "sorry for scaring you both."

"And I missed seeing you guys every day," Wafa smiled softly as Humera adjusted her glasses and leaned in to check her temperature, "we missed you too, waffles babe. I was so worried,"

"So was I," Zunera smacked her arms playfully but a clearing of a throat broke their trance, Wafa moved her gaze to see Shahzaib, who stands at the doorway, with her breakfast in his hands. She couldn't help but smile at his sight.

"Wafa is still weak. You cannot smack her like that," Shahzaib told in a monotone while the twins passed her amused looks. A teasing glint appeared in their eyes as Wafa huffed, "seriously, Shahzaib? I'm fine now. It's been five days since you have kept me on house arrest like this."

"The doctor says otherwise," Shahzaib replied with a shrug as he placed the food tray on the bedside table. Wafa wanted to argue but stopped because it is going to be of no use. Literally. He's been treating her like she was some fragile doll for the last five days. It was sweet, of course, it was. But it's also exhausting. To be in the same bed, taking rest all the time and doing nothing.

It's even more exhausting when he takes care of her like that and claims they're only friends. Her heart could only handle so much.

"Wow. What did you bring for her breakfast?" Humera grinned as she passed a teasing look to Wafa, whose face heated up suddenly. She glanced at Shahzaib with anticipation as he opened the medicine box and pulled out the before-breakfast medicine. Her face instantly turned into a scowl. God! She hated those.

"Wafa's favourite," Shahzaib replied while he poured the water into a glass and passed her both medicine and glass. Her scowl was replaced with a small smile as she took them, not able to meet the blatant teasing looks that her friends were passing her way.

"Awe. Her favourite, huh." Zunera gushed excitedly while Wafa narrowed her eyes at her, asking her to stop being dramatic just through her eyes.

"Eat soon. You should have breakfast too," Shahzaib added as she didn't proceed to have the medicine. Her face instantly fell as she eyed it again, "ugh. These make my mouth so bitter." She complained to her friends before gulping it in a go and making a face at the end.

Humera snorted at her while Shahzaib took the glass from her hands, "you don't have a fever anymore, right?" He asked gently, the tone in which he questioned her made her heart flutter in glee. She blinked in no. While her friends were grinning ear to ear looking at them both.

They were shipping them so hard. Boy! Were they in for some heartbreak?

"I brought you guys some juices as well." Shahzaib addressed her friends stiffly, only then did she notice how uncomfortable he was with these two visiting her inside the bedroom but he kept quiet for her sake. He did not like others entering his personal space. It took him a while to get used to her presence in his room too.

Her friends were oblivious to his mood, "oh, there's no need. We had breakfast. You guys eat. We'll just talk with Wafa for some time and leave." Humera smiled at her, while Zunera took the tray from the bedside table and placed it on Wafa's lap.

"Come on, eat quickly. It's turning cold."

"It's your favourite," Zunera stressed on the favourite word a little too eagerly and grinned at Wafa's flushed cheeks.

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