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"I want the reports immediately," Wafa grinned ear to ear as she pushed open the door and walked into Shahzaib's office excitedly. Her college just ended half an hour ago and she didn't waste any time before reaching the Hussain firms.

"Hi!" She mouthed at him as he was still on the call. He smiled his charming smile as soon as he noticed her and mouthed, "just a few seconds,"

An instant smile appeared on her face as she mouthed back, "it's okay. You carry on."

Her heart fluttered as he wrapped up the call quickly and gave his whole attention to her regardless, "hey! How was your day?" He asked the first thing as she placed the lunch box in front of him and took her seat.

"My day was fantastic. How is the project going so far?" Wafa asked him about the latest work he was currently busy with these days. She liked discussing work with him. Shahzaib was so passionate about every little art that they bring to life. No wonder the Hussain's architecture business was such a huge success.

"Let's not talk about it,"

Wafa took it that it was not going well and didn't pry him more. She grinned excitedly while they opened the lunch box that she has brought. It was his favourite that she specially requested her mother to make.

"Eshal auntie makes the best rajma chawal," He muttered eagerly.

"I know, my mama is the best." Wafa smiled as they moved to the sofa area to sit freely and eat. It has been a routine for the past few days. Ever since she started doing her interning. And she could say Shahzaib looks forward to the lunch breaks every day these days.

It is the time when he made it clear to his staff that he should not be disturbed. Wafa couldn't believe he almost cancelled an important meeting because it was pushed to the lunch hour. She had to force him to leave that day.

"What are you smiling about?" He nudged her in the arms playfully as they began to devour the lunch. And she made it a habit to pack for both of them. It's kind of their thing now. Eating lunch together. Wafa has grown to like it so much. More than she'd like to admit.

"Nothing." She shrugged, while he gave her an amused glance, "I topped the tests this time too." She announced happily while he broke into a huge smile. He looked genuinely thrilled for her.

"Congratulations. Ms Genius," She blushed a little under his appreciative gaze.

"Thank you for helping me with the assignment, while I studied." Shahzaib has been really helpful. Wafa was secretly happy that they decided to be friends, now more than ever. He's freaking smart and his help was making a huge impact on her studies.

"What are friends for?" He shrugged nonchalantly while the corner of her heart twisted a little. He acknowledged nothing but the truth but still, it stung a little.

She had to remind herself that that was all she'd ever be to him. Just friends. Maybe they're onto the stage of becoming best friends at this point. At least there's that.

"I have a test tomorrow too." Wafa trailed off sheepishly.

"Which assignment do you want me to help you with again?" Shahzaib asked her even before she could ask him. She laughed at his sharpness.

"I think I know you so well these days, Wafa Zaidi." He grinned lazily making her heart skip a few beats.

"What am I getting in return?" He asked her teasingly even though she knew he was already going to help her with whatever she asked him to.

"I'll ask mama to cook your favourite dish once again," Wafa replied without thinking but bit her lips in the middle as realisation dawned upon him. His intent eyes made her all weak and mushy.

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