42 ~ Yeah I can see that!

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-Aranya Iyer-

"Aranya I'm back home!" Vihan announced as soon as he came back from the party.

"Looks like the party ended too soon!" I mocked as I took a sip of water leaning my back at the kitchen counter.

"I'm famished! Where's food?" He asked checking the bowls.

"Your cook took leave without even informing the authorities." I replied with a frown. "And Dylan brought me food from the restaurant down the street!" I specifically mentioned his name out of annoyance.

Oh yeah! I was irritated from the moment I had left that girl's birthday party. Vihan didn't even bother to say sorry atleast. Huh forget sorry, he didn't even care to come after me. Fuck!

"Dylan?" He creased his brows.

"Yeah! And now I'm done so I'm going to sleep! Do not disturb me!" I uttered turning on my heels.

"Oh yes order your own food!" I yelled with a smirk on my way to my bedroom.

"Seriously ShortCake!" He yelled back then strode towards the fridge, slamming it open, he looked for food.

Voila! To his surprise he found a packet.

"This girl just loves to get on my nerves!" He spoke aloud thinking I was gone.

I smiled entering my bedroom. But I knew he would not dare to disturb my beauty sleep given my threatening.


Completing my morning rituals, I made upma for me and kept a plate reserved for the sleepy log.

Changing into a floral chiffon top and a beige white mini skirt, I was about to leave for office when I heard Vihan calling out my name.

"ShortCake! I'm gonna drop you today!" He said in an authoritative voice.

"You can't boss me around!" I spat back.

"I'm your boss, remember?" He flashed a haughty smile as his hand grabbed an apple.

"Let it go!" He stated munching on the apple.

"I'm leaving!" I uttered and departed.

Well, I still didn't get my car back so I waited for a cab. I wasn't expecting anyone for a ride. Few minutes later, a car stopped right at my front. The windows rolled down revealing a handsome face.

"Wanna have a ride? Today I brought my car!" Dylan smiled eyeing his brand new Mercedes.

"Um no I'll take a cab!" I turned down his request. I didn't want anyone to drop me everyday. Just then I heard another car coming to a halt behind Dylan's. Vihan's head popped out of the window.

"Hop in Aranya! We're getting late!" He motioned.

"Sorry Sir! I already have my ride!" I faked a smile and hopped into the front seat of Dylan's car. I could literally see my boss killing someone in his mind. Haha! I love teasing him.

We reached the office right on time followed by Vihan's car. I made a straight face and walked towards the elevator deliberately avoiding Vihan. The elevator door almost closed but a hand stopped it.

"You can't avoid me! And seriously you wanna piss me off by travelling with that photographer." He gritted his teeth.

"Well you can control your emotions without getting pissed off." I let out a smug smile.

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