6~Yep you got me

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-Aranya Iyer-

It was a hectic evening. Finally I was in my room that I shared with my so called husband. I was currently changing my outfit in the bathroom. Recalling that kiss I felt like puking and washed my mouth thrice. Seriously how could I touch those lips that spit venom everytime they open?

Some people might talk about romance in the air. But to be honest I didn't. Just like he hated me for no reason, I hated him for making my life hell. But one thing I noticed that whenever I came near him, be it our fall anything there was something different that I had no idea about. But the kiss was embarrassing and disgusting for me. Eww!

Completing my work, I came out only to find that idiot squatting on my couch like a scared monkey. Now what game was he planning to play at this hour of the night?

"What happened to you? You're not on your comfy bed?"

He was mum for the first time. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the comforter and the pillows from the closet. From the corner of my eye I found him staring at the opposite wall. Following his line of sight I found a gecko breathing right above the head board. Seriously the might CEO of Malhotra Industries was scared of a gecko? I laughed mentally at his idiotic behaviour.

"Move! I need to sleep now!" I ordered while walking up to the couch.

"Um why don't you sleep on the floor today?" I furrowed my eyes at him.

How could he ask me to sleep on the floor? He had the audacity to ask me that. Now he has to pay for this. I turned towards the headboard and clapped my hands making the gecko jump on the floor and crawl towards the couch.

"What the hell did you do?" Vihan shrieked,his eyes bulging out of his sockets.

"Umm just shooed away the gecko!" I batted my eyelashes. "Look it might climb on the couch!" I laughed.

"Shut up!" He got up and threw the cushion at me.

I glared at him and he returned me another angry stare. I didn't take a minute and threw the cushion  back at him but Vihan dodged it and it landed on the gecko. However the gecko was fast enough to overcome the attack and it literally jumped on Vihan's feet making him scream like a scared child.

"You're such a kiddo Vihan. The haughty monster frightened of a reptile!"

I laughed hard seeing him jumping on the couch to shoo away the thing that could make the arrogant CEO pee in his pants.

"I'm not gonna leave you Aranya"  He yelled and landed on the floor to chase me like an angry bull.

"Catch me if you can!" I smirked and climbed over the bed.

The tom and Jerry chase game continued for a good ten minutes where apart from the bed and the couch, literally every empty space in the room got slapped by our running feet. The gecko was gone seeing our wild chase but the chase didn't end.

Once in a while I stopped to breathe, then I found Vihan pulling me but I gave him a shove making him tumble backwards on the couch. But that smartass pulled me too and I came tumbling down over him.

My hands rested on his chest, and his face got buried in the crook of my neck making some tingles pass through my body in a fraction of a second. I could feel the beats of his heart under my palm while inhaling his citrus cologne. I tried getting up but my leg got tangled in the carpet making me fall over him once again.

The fall was so sudden that our faces were barely inches apart. His chocolate brown eyes peeped into my doe eyes and for a while he held my gaze without blinking for a second. His hand was wrapped around my waist while mine were resting on his chest. We didn't move but stared for a few more seconds.

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