55 ~ Remember I'm always there for you no matter what!

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~Aranya Iyer~

'Thanks Mimi for helping us.' My eyes caught hold of the message from my elder sister. I smiled at my good deed. It was difficult to let it go but eventually I succeeded in my attempt. Had Vihan not convinced me, I wouldn't be able to go stress free in the last trimester.

Dad came out of coma in a week. We heaved a sigh of relief that finally he was out of danger. His left side had suffered a paralytic attack so he needed continuous support. Mumma never left him alone. She had been his constant support and that's what reinforced my belief in love. No matter whatever happens, a true life partner never leaves your side.

Vihan and I allowed Ananya di and her husband to stay in our farmhouse at Lonavala. Her husband was hired to look after the wine factory Vihan owned over there. He was a supervisor in the factory, was paid a handsome amount as long as he carried his work dutifully. Last month, Ananya di delivered a baby boy. Except dad we all went to see Ekansh. Mumma and dad had finally forgave her but still maintained distance baring a few formalities. Gradually, I believe they would move on and make peace with them.

"You're still thinking about whatever happened in the last three months? You're impossible ShortCake." Vihan's words disturbed my trail of thoughts.

"No I'm not!" I answered sitting up on the bed leaning my back against the pillows.

"Don't lie to me okay." I didn't say anything but looked away from him.

Yes, three months had passed and currently I was eagerly waiting for the little one to arrive anytime soon. My estimated delivery date was just a week away but it's impossible to say when the pain would start. It could be today, tomorrow or maybe ten days later.

The scenes outside my window gave me some sort of inner peace no matter what were the circumstances. And never in my dream I thought my dream would get fulfilled. Once Ananya di got settled in Lonavala I desired to spend the rest of my days in the mountains. It was just a desire. I wasn't hellbent on fulfilling it given dad's condition. But Vihan being Vihan, did make my wish come true despite my misgivings. Even dad didn't resist.

So in my last month of pregnancy, I was spending my time in Mussoorie living my dreams accomplished by my doting husband. We were living in a beautiful cosy cottage surrounded by heavenly mountains and bewitching greenery.

"Aranya how about taking this into the hospital?" He wiggled his brows displaying the red night dress before my eyes.

"Seriously a sexy night dress Vihan!" I glared at him.

"Come on you're not answering me. This is the third time I asked you and finally grabbed your attention." He blew his short lock of hair falling over his eyes.

"You need to cut down your hair." I commented.

"Fine I'll do that but can you just help me in packing your hospital bag ShortCake?" He made a pout. Damn he looked so cute that I wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"Yep. But before that I need to go out for a stroll." I announced pinching his cheeks earning a groan from him. Haha!

"Fine!" We left for a quick stroll on the narrow pathway surrounded by the evergreen pine trees.

"Thank you Vihan for bringing me here. I'm sure mini me is loving this too." I smiled caressing the wildflowers growing around the hilly terrain.

"Excuse me he will be my exact replica." He snickered.

Oh God! I didn't want to go down the lane of debate about a boy or girl. Since last three months he's dreaming about a baby boy and on the contrary, I was expecting a baby girl. Different from stereotypes, yes we were never the easy going couple like others.

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