18~ ChocoChips

8.5K 835 712

Okay the 50K target isn't achieved yet but still I couldn't stop myself from writing so here goes the update!

And Happy Holi to everyone! May the colours of love, peace and happiness paint your life in the coming years😘

Today's target is 300+ comments and 300+ votes!

Enjoy one of the longest chapters😎 and thank me later😉

Inline comments are welcomed 😍

-Aranya Iyer-

A month passed in a jiffy and currently I was working on the Paris project from home. It was half past eleven at night, I was feeling drowsy but I had to complete it before we fly tomorrow to Paris. Shit!  I had to do my packing as well. My wardrobe was a mess now.

I stiffled a yawn and then heard my door being opened. Gently closing it with his feet, Vihan entered with two mugs of coffee in his hands.

Ah coffee! My energy booster!

I was surprised to find Vihan making us coffee. To be precise I wasn't that surprised because in the last month he was doing things that continued to surprise me. The most important thing was we didn't fight since the night we spent in the cottage. Shocking right?

A slight twist in the tale was that he did behave bipolar sometimes. Although it was rare, but what was tough to understand was his psychology. I felt something did change between us since that night.

My relation with Dylan was good just on the friendship level but I found him jealous of Vihan.  Okay jealousy was something natural to love so I understood him. However he didn't let jealousy marr our friendship. He even apologized me for his erratic behaviour that night. He was sorry for behaving like a love sick angry boyfriend. I just forgave him because I saw truth in his eyes.

What baffled me was that even Vihan behaved somewhat different whenever I was with Dylan. It couldn't be jealousy because he didn't love me. I couldn't be wrong here. We liking each other's presence was okay but love wasn't written in our books.

"ShortCake are you okay?" His words brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah! I'm good Longosaur!" I said looking away from him.

All this while I was staring at him. Oh God! What will he think now about me? I am so weird at times!

"What's the progress?" The side of my bed dipped and I found Vihan sitting on the edge of my bed carefully placing the mugs on the blue sheets.

"Huh? What progress are you talking about?" I blurted out.

"Work's progress! What did you think of?"

Yeah of course work's progress and my mind was stuck at the progress of our relationship. Okay it wasn't a relationship but a forced marriage and nor was it any friendship. Or did we consider ourselves as friends? We never asked for it so I don't know what was the thing called between us.

"Ah nothing!" I averted my gaze from the screen and sipped the coffee, relishing the hot liquid warming my insides.

Vihan stared at me as I sipped the coffee and I saw him biting his lips. Hot move! Fuck! Why was I behaving like a hormonal teenager?

"How's the coffee?" He asked and I thanked him mentally for diverting my mind from weird things.

"You make good coffee!" I smiled.

"Thanks! I usually don't make it but today I just thought to make some for you and I." He smiled taking a sip.

"I'm done!" I turned off the laptop and stretched my arms that had stiffened because of working in the same posture for an hour. I looked up and found Vihan smiling at me.

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